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"Rehab?" Ashton jolts away from the words with hurt. "Are you sure about that. That's some serious shit y'know?"

"Ashton I'm beyond sure." I rub my tired eyes. "In order for me to be ready to do any sort of touring, publicity, or music writing I need to be mentally okay. You of all people should understand."

"Well after the show tonight, when we fly home, are you just going straight there? I mean fuck have you told Luke or Michael?"

I'm scared, so worried that they'll push the idea away and call me selfish. "No. I'm scared, and I want some sort of support to go into this with. Please Ashton."

Ashton walks across the hotel room for a moment before turning to me with sudden thought. "What about paparazzi? What the hell are they going to do when they find out?"

"I've got that figured out. Our publicist says the team can keep it hidden." I murmur. "No bad media out of this. It'll only be a week starting Sunday."

"Okay... Go for it. But you need to tell Luke and Michael as soon as we get to the venue. If you don't I will." He hell meaning behind his eyes. I know he cares he's just looking out for the band as a whole.

I showered and got dressed into a dark red button down and black jeans with my combat boots. Show starts at 8 meaning we have to be there at 4 for mic check and such. We'd leave tonight at midnight and hopefully be home in time for me to check into rehab.

When we reach the venue, Luke and Michael are already goofing around with Spotify. They blast new music on the rooms speaker. Ashton comes closer and whispers to my ear, "Go for it."

Ashton and I make our way o the leather couch. Noticing I'm about to start the conversation he opens up twitter to distract himself. "So I need to talk to you guys, Michael and Luke."

Mikey turns the music down and smiles. "Yeah man, what's up?"

"Well I don't really know how to say this. If you guys couldn't tell I've been in a bad place for the past month or so..." I clear my throat with fear developing inside me. "I'm going to use the break and start off we a week of rehab."

Luke perks up with his face in shock, Michael follows. "Are you sure man, that's some serious shit? I mean fuck I'm sorry man."

"Yeah, I get it a thousand percent. Whatever you gotta do to be the best you." Michael smiles. I let out a sigh of relief.

"I'd be working on my alcohol and my mental health. I know we had that break in between Sounds Good and Youngblood but I can't play with my mental status."

"How long?" Luke ponders.

"I'll start with just a week and go from that." I'm happy they're being supportive. Lately we haven't been seeing eye to eye, but I'm happy they're here for me in this."


Youngblood comes out next Friday and I'm super happy ugh.

is it just me or r u super proud of them

idk I'm currently trying to fix my sleep b4 I go to Massachusetts at the end of the month lol


rehab - calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now