0.8(shivers and smile)

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  Blink - 182 blasts through my car. I bang my head along the smashing drums and guitar. Lockwood was a bit of a road trip from Aly and I's apartment, but worth it. Knowing I get to see my favorite therapist and potential friend was exciting. I do have to admit Calum raised the levels higher though. He seemed a lot more realistic from what I'd think he'd be at 16.

Though I know he's older I'm not about turning him into some sort of boyfriend. I'm just trying to take this opportunity to help someone through this journey. It's lonely in there if you don't get comfortable, especially when your new.

  I turn onto the dirt road and pull up to the building. I park and head on in, having to explain to the secretary that I was volunteering here and would just be with Rosa or chatting to patients in the activity room. She gave me and ID then passed me through.

  Rosa's room was just down the hall, but I could see the occupied sign from where I stood. It's weird to be on the other side of this, the one who helps rather then the one seeking help.

  Gazing into the glass activity room, I recognize a familiar dark haired boy. He stares off into space with the same sweat pants everyone else wore and a deep red shirt. I focus on my reflection, smiling at my outfit, a yellow top with some light washed shorts. Even my eyebrows looked good with them filled in a little.

  I walk in and Calum catches my eyes and smiles. He stands and we give each other a side hug before relaxing into the sofa. "How you liking Lockwood?" I ask with a girly smile.

  "You know, rehab isn't what I expected." Is Calum's simple reply.


"Meaning, that the movies make it look like the worst thing to happen. It's not. I'm relaxed and talking to people who are actually listening feels nice for a change." He shrugs. "You know what I'm saying, right?"

  "I get it. Uhm, I've been here multiple times actually. So if I were you listen to me when I say, don't be afraid to stay until you feel ready." My eyes slam through his, and I hope I'm connecting.

"How many times?" Calum places his hand onto my knee. The touch sends goosebumps around my body. I know he means well.

  "Five or six times. I didn't have the best mental state when I was a teenager." We didn't go into details and I'm thankful for that.

"Everyone has a fucked up childhood." Calum paused, looking at his hand on my knee then back up to me. The dramatic tension was strong. "Some people just have it worse then others."

  We let out a choked laugh. His smile was light but there. The little dimples in his cheeks were finally present and adorable. "I want to be some that can help you stitch up your wounds. And I'm not taking no as an answer." I announced, and watched Calum smile.

  "Never knew someone would want to genuinely stick through my rough."

  I leaned forward and squeezed Calum into a delicate hug. This moment felt precious. I took a picture of it inside of my head. Memories.

Uhm idk what to say

so yeah

calum is cute

n yeah


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