☼ puppy paws

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"Let's gooooo sooommmeewwwhhheeerrreee," Ben complained as we cuddled on the couch.

"But I'm tiiirrreeeddd annnddd I'm commmmfffyyy," I complained, cuddling and repositioning myself again. "And I haven't even taken a nap yet !"

"Fine, I guess you don't want to go look at dogs with me," He snooted, with SO MUCH SASS.

"DOGS ?" I jumped up from cuddling. "I'm suddenly feeling awake now ! Who needs naps ? Pfft,"

"I knew it," Ben chuckled and got up from the couch.

I quickly changed out of pajamas into a white t-shirt and shorts, and the two of us headed down to Puppy Paws.


With our hands intertwined, we entered the store and immediately the tiny barks of puppies made us both scream in awe. Except Ben had more voice cracks.

"OH MY GOSSSHHH," I saw some adorable puppies that I NEEDED TO HOLD.

"Excuse me ? May we hold these puppies ?" Ben asked the employee behind the counter.

"Sure ! Let me just get the keys," The employee went to a room behind the counter and came back out with the keys. He then unlocked the crate that I was standing next to, picked up four puppies, and lead us to a private room full of toys. He placed the puppies down and said

"My name is Tony by the way, if you need any help, just call out for me !"

We thanked him and started to play with the puppies.

"BEN THEY'RE SO CUTE AND FLUFFY!" I held a puppy that had a brown and white head and another all-white one.

"Hey hold these two and I'll take a picture of you and all four !" He handed me the other two puppies and he took out his phone. "Awe that's a cute photo, imma post it ok ?"

I continued to play with the puppies until I heard my phone sound a notification

"Instagram: @bentylercook tagged you in a photo"

"Instagram: @bentylercook tagged you in a photo"

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bentylercook: All my favorites in one photo <3

"Awe that's such a cute photo !" I placed the puppies down and liked the photo. Ben picked up the puppies and I took a picture of him. "That's A GOOD picture, not gonna lie, who's the photographer now ?" I taunted.

"Heeeeyyyyyyyy," Ben whined, "Photography is myyyyy thingggggggggg." He pretended to rub his fake tears by stuffing his face in the puppies' backs.

After playing with the puppies for another hour or so, we decided it was time to put the pups back. We called Tony and helped him put all the puppies back.

"Thanks for coming in guys, feel free to come back." Tony locked the crates and went back behind the counter

"Oh we plan to be back." We reassured him as we walked out of Puppy Paws holding hands.

"What a day huh ?" Ben started, "Lot's of puppies, should we get one next time ?"

"Wait really ??" I squeezed his hands tighter.

"Yea why not ?" He laughed.

"That's a definite yes." I jumped the rest of the way home.


idk why I always make my oneshots somehow making the reader get a dog lollll . sorry for a short oneshot heh heh

hope you guys are enjoying these ! we are ranked #25 in bentylercook omg guys !!! <3

Ben Cook Imagines / OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now