☼ stage fright

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much thanks to everyone for 1k reads !! this chapter idea is from BeckyMerari1808 <3 I slightly modified your idea, I hope you don't mind :)


"Deep breaths Y/N , you are going to do amazing." Ben stroked my hair as I panicked. 

Today was the day I made my debut as Katherine in the Newsies tour. I had never done anything on broadway before, as much as I wanted to, my anxiety usually kept me back. 

"I don't know if I can do this," I took another deep breath, which didn't seem to help. 

"Yes you can Y/N. Stage fright is normal, I've been through it, it goes away over time." He continued to stick by my side, as the sound system started to turn on.

"Five minutes to places, again, five minutes to places." The stage manager's voice echoed thru the speakers in everyone's dressing rooms.

I began to panic again, and got up with shaky knees. I took more deep breaths, and Ben took  my hand.

"Hey Y/N I'll be onstage with you and all the guys. No need to be nervous, because we are all here supporting you." He said, squeezing my hand, as we walked to the stage. 

Josh came up to us dressed as Darcy. "Are you ready Y/N ? You are going to KILL IT." 

"I mean he's not wrong," Ben gave me a hug. 

"I think I'm ready to do this," I checked my costume and wig in a standing mirror backstage, to see if everything was in place. The anxiety started to go away and I continued to hold Ben's hand

"Trust me, the fansies are going to love you, they are so excited !" Ben squealed. 

Dan and Zachary started the Santa Fe Prologue which was amazing, and Carrying the Banner was next. 

"Well I gotta go up," Ben started letting go of my hand and checking the mirror. He gave me a quick peck and ran towards the towers, "I LOVE YOU Y/N YOU ARE GONNA KILL IT!" He screamed. 

"Benjamin !" The stage manager whisper yelled. 

"Oops, I LOVE YOU Y/N YOU ARE GONNA KILL IT!" This time he was whisper yelling. 

He climbed the stairs to the middle tower and looked at me from above. Then made an air heart with his hands, while the fake cigar sat in his mouth. He continued to make stupid faces, causing me to laugh way harder than I should've.

After all the laughing, I was ready to do this. All the nervousness left my body and I was more excited than scared. Then, Carrying The Banner started with Sky taking Ben's cigar. 

"Are you ready Miss Katherine ?" Josh / Darcy held out his arm for the Katherine and Darcy entrance. 

"Let's do this Darcy," We walked out from behind the towers and as soon as we came out, the crowd cheered. 

The love from the crowd somehow made it easy to perform, and before I knew it, intermission had come. 

At intermission before King of New York Ben ran up to me with a big hug. "OH MY GOIIIDDD," He screamed "YOU WERE SOYYYYYYYY GOOD." He pretended to be Tyler Mount, which didn't work. "YOU WERE AMAZING !" He continued to hug me. 

"But the show isn't even done yet you dummy," I softly punched his arm, and he pretended to look like it hurt.

"Are you over your stage fright though ?" He asked, making sure I was ok.

"Surprisingly, yes I am, you must be some miracle worker or something." I laced up my tap boots, while sitting on the ground.

"I mean I guess I am," He flipped his invisible long hair with his hand. "But now I'm really excited cuz now we can have a dance number together."

He helped me up from the ground and he walked to the stage, his shoes making tapping noises every time he took a step. All the other boys got into places and the curtain rose. The orchestra started the introduction music and act 2 began.

"Why do old people talk ?" Ian asked.

"To prove theys still alive," Ben grumbled. 

I walked out from behind the towers, and smiled "Good morning gentlemen !" 

Ben looked at me as I passed by him and smiled at me.

We were off to a good start.

*time skip to curtain call*

After the Newsies did their bows, the older characters did their bows, then Jacob and Anthony. 

I took a deep breath, and ran to the front of the stage. The crowd cheered as I took my first bow, I heard all the Newsie boys in the towers screaming, and I took a quick glimpse at Ben who was screaming with his hands around his mouth. Dan came out , and after we took a group bow. 

I walked off the stage to congratulations from the cast a crew, but couldn't seem to find Ben. I asked around and no one seemed to know where he was. With no luck, I headed to my dressing room to find ben standing inside with a bouquet of flowers and his cigar still in his mouth.

"I'm so proud of you Y/N !" He held out the flowers for me to take, but instead, I hugged gave him a hug, and he wrapped his arms around me. 

"You're so sweet oh my goodness," I felt happy tears come to my eyes. 

"OH MY GOSH DON'T CRY." Ben grabbed a random tissue from my dressing room desk and patted away the falling tears. "I love you, you know that right ?" He squished my cheeks together.

"mmffm," I said with squished cheeks. 

He let go of my cheeks and gave me another hug, but this time, we just stood there hugging for a few more minutes until Josh, Sky, and Chaz barged in.

"AWWWWEEEEEEEE !" They all screamed. "C'mon lovebirds we gotta stagedoor !" 

"Let's go Ben ?" I looked at him, breaking from our hug.

"Uh huh sure but first, one thing." He then grabbed my face and started making out with me to annoy the boys.

"Ew" and "Yuck" rang from the boys, which caused me and Ben to die in laughter.

"C'mon Y/N let's go." Ben chuckled and we left to stagedoor....


oof a pretty long chapter eh? send in requests !!! thank you guys again for 1k reads !!!!!!!!

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