[Chapter 1] Home

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Footsteps echoed through the darkness in the large dark and damp underground room. There were no windows nor any candles for light sources. On the outside, the sun was starting to rise slowly and covered the land with its light and warmth, marking an end to the war that took place at the Academy not too far away. The woman's step came to a halt as she looked down at the man unconscious before her. She slowly bent down, her long wavy blonde hair falling over her coat-covered shoulder, and looked over the young blonde man in front of her.

"I rushed here to stop Kaname... But I was able to help in an unexpected way." She paused, running her fingertips through his blonde locks.

"If I hadn't stepped in... You'd have lost your life as well, Takuma Ichijo..." Ichijo's name flowed through her smirking soft lips.

"I'm glad..." She withdrew her hand. "I was going to ask Ichio to give you to me...I can now use you to see how Kaname will make his move." She paused again and gave a small chuckle. "I'm so glad I have a good little soldier in my hands."


The moon shined bright through the thickly clouded night sky as the snow fell slowly and the cold wind remained calm. The air was freezing and many seek warmth in their homes, enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate. Emi was one of those people. She sat by the frosted window in her dark room, holding a warm cup of hot chocolate and gazing up at the moon, watching the thick dark clouds roll by slowly. Since the window was built sticking out, she had a ledge to sit on. She wrapped herself up in a thick blanket to keep warm and sipped the hot drink slowly.
It's only been a few days since she helped kill Rido and left the Academy behind to return home. She let out a soft sigh and adjusted herself to be more comfortable.

Many things have happened and it felt nice to finally relax. It felt as if a heavy feeling was finally lifted from her shoulders... But not all of it.

 After all, she was left alone to her thoughts. Every time she thought back at her time in the Academy, her thoughts wander to him. Last she heard, Kaname and Yuki had disappeared to who knows where and Aido and the others followed. Her heart began to ache, remembering the times with him. She brought her fingertips to her soft lips and gently touched it, remembering the tingly feeling and the taste of blood that seemed almost familiar when she awoke that night. Since then, her hunger wasn't sufferable anymore.

'Is it possible...that Kaname..'

She jumped as her thoughts were interrupted at a light knock on her closed door.

"Come in." She spoke up softly, welcoming in whoever was at her door. The white wooden door opened gently as a slightly older woman with wavy auburn hair with a black shawl wrapped around her stepped in with a soft smile on her face.

"Hey, hon. Came to check up on you. You doing okay?" She asked in a soft voice as she walked over to the small desk lamp by Emi's bed, turning it on to light up the room slightly. Emi pouted as she preferred it to be dark but didn't complain.

"I'm okay, don't worry." Emi tried to reply in a cheery voice before taking a sip of the hot chocolate. Risa smiled softly and walked over to the window and sat on the ledge with her. She stared out into the dim lit world outside the window and sighed.

"Hopefully it won't get too bad..." She whispered as she watches the falling snow.
Emi hummed in agreement.

"It must be nice to finally relax, huh?" Risa giggled as she turned her gaze to Emi who was wrapped in her blanket.
"Hmph. Tell me about it!" Emi smiled and leaned against the cool window.
A comfortable silence rose between them as they watched the falling snow.

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