[Chapter 4]

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"Zero!" Sayori spoke up with an anxious look on her face as she was pulled through the crowd of vampires by the young silver-haired hunter. "Can't I talk with  Yuki for a little while?"

"That woman who came over to help you... There was a faint scent of fresh blood on her." Zero replied, His eyes visibly showing frustration. 

Sayori remained quiet as a frown showed on her face.

"Zero... I don't understand what is going on. I admit I'm scared... But you're being overly cautious."

"That's right, young human lady. We're the gentleman here. He's the scary one." An older vampire male spoke up with a smirk while Zero sent death glares at him. He walked up to Kaito, who was leaning against the pillar and slightly pushed Sayori towards him.

"You stay with Kaito, Wakaba. Don't wander off." Zero said sternly. 


I came to a complete stop after leaving the ballroom to see Takuma Ichijo in the hallway.

"Ah...!" I spoke out softly as I noticed the young blonde man holding two dishes in his hands like a waiter, which puzzled me. 

"O-Oh! Emi!" Ichijo said in shock as Rima and Shiki appeared from behind him and the three of them stared at me, causing me to stare back in shock as well. 

"So you came here as well, Emi?" Rima asked as she stepped towards me from behind Ichijo, her face lighting up when she saw me. I stared in awe as Rima looked dolled up in her dress as usual. She is a model after all. I felt many feelings building in my chest after seeing my old classmates again.

I smiled and walked up to the three, keeping my eyes away from Shiki's as I still felt a bit uncomfortable around him due to bad memories...

I tried to ignore the thought and push it past me for good. It wasn't his fault after all... I felt a small nostalgic emotion creep in. "Y-Yeah. It's been a while!" My gaze shifted to Ichijo as I stared at him with confusion.

"So....?" Soon we all stared at him, waiting for him to tell us why he's at a Soiree as a waiter.

Ichijo let out a whine. "M-My arms are starting to give out... Please just follow me."


"Hey, Kiryu. Wakaba." Aido spoke up as he walked up to the group that stood to the side of the crowd. "Long time no see, I'd like you two to give an hour of your time. You are to meet with Lady Yuki. Our host has arranged it."

Sayori took a step towards Aido when he mentioned her friend's name. "Aido... Is it really okay?"

Aido nodded and Kaito gave her a smile and urged her to go with him. "Don't worry, Zero will be with you." Aido turned and motioned the two to follow him. Sayori stopped and looked back as she noticed the boy behind her didn't move. His eyes were filled with an unknown emotion she couldn't explain. "Zero...?"

Zero snapped away from his thoughts and began to move forward.

Kaito let out a sigh and ruffled his hair, letting out a soft mutter. "He's such a pain..." He glanced up at the second-floor loft to see The Headmaster talking with one of the vampires.


"Thanks a lot, Kain. I'll be there in a short while." Kaien smiled at one of his ex-students that stood before him. He looked down to the large crowd below as his smile fell. "It's hard to believe... I now need to get permission to see my own daughter."

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