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Liam's pov

I wiped away the tears from my eyes
and I ran, ran until I finally reached a familiar house. I knocked on the door,
"L-Liam what are you doing here it's like 5 am?!?" I looked at him but couldn't tell him so I started crying all over again, "B-Brett." That's all I had to say mason pulled me into his house and sat me down on his couch since the rest of his family is out of town. "What happened?" I looked at him and I knew I had to tell him,
"I was trying to play a game with Brett so I ran out of the house shirtless, don't ask, and I ran into the woods. I heard noises when I got there so I thought it was Brett, but when I turned around it was Theo, so I ran in a different direction and yelled for Brett.Then Theo tackled me and kissed me when Brett got there. Brett left so I waited to explain, I was waiting at his place in his room and when I heard the door shut I called for him, but I heard giggling, so I went to the stairs and I s-saw him and H-Hayden together." I started crying all over again but I heard someone knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I heard Mason say while walking to the door, "Hey Mason, is Liam here?" I heard Brett say from behind the door, "Uhh yeah, I mean yes he is here." Mason said and I could hear his heartbeat going up. "Great, can I talk to him?" Brett sounded worried but I knew better. He didn't care, he only cared if I said something to someone, that's why he's really here he's not here for me. "Uhh I don't know if that's a great idea, considering you know what you did to him and all that he's kinda not in the best mood." Thank you Mason for saying that maybe Brett will finally leave. "I don't care Mason, I'm worried about him please." At this point Brett sounded a bit desperate.

"I still don't think it's a good idea, I mean you were being an asshole, I mean that's a dick move he cares about you so much but you did that to him like wow." Again thanks Mason I couldn't ask for a better best friend. "Listen I Know it would be extremely hard to believe but I can explain and I know every asshole would say that but I mean I've been waiting for this chance since forever so why would I try to screw it up ?" Brett lied, I heard his heartbeat go up Mason please don't let him in. "Listen, as much as I'd like to believe that people do stupid stuff when they're scared, or sometimes when they're hurt. Just to hurt the other person so I am very sorry but I don't think I should let you see a very sad and broken Liam." Mason finished heartbeat going back to normal.

"Let me in." I know that tone that's the 'I'm going to get my way whether you give it to me or not', "Uhh fine, but I will kick you out whenever I feel like it because it's my house." Mason said knowing the tone in Brett's voice. I closed my eyes and didn't plan on opening them "Liam?" I heard Brett whisper. I just shook my head no, "Liam please open your eyes." Brett whispered sounding desperate. I really tried to keep my eyes shut but my wolf started to whine because I wouldn't look at him. I get it because deep down I wanted to open my eyes. I want to believe that he didn't mean to hurt me but I actually don't know so I opened my eyes.


"Liam please don't cry, listen I was gonna do it. I was going to hurt you but I was drunk and I thought about it. I decided I should let you explain but she was already all over me so i knocked her out and took her home so when she woke up it'll look like it was just a dream I really am sorry Liam." Brett's heartbeat was steady he didn't lie. "Oh. Um okay, well I was going to play an interesting game of hide-n'-seek but when I got to the woods I heard noises. I thought it was you so I waited till the fake you got closer and when I turned around Theo was right behind me. So I started to run and I wasn't fast enough that he tackled me and kissed me, but I was yelling for you and then you got there and well you saw." I finished and started playing with my fingers.

"Liam I'm so sorry that I didn't just ask before but I was just so hurt."Brett held both my hands so that i wasn't moving my fingers anymore

"Yeah, it's okay." I simply stated even though it still hurt. "I know it's not okay right now and it will take some time but I promise to just talk to you about stuff like that from now on." Brett looked at me and waited for an answer. "Brett, it's five in the morning I'm tired can we go home now?" I asked waiting to here the answer. "Uhm yours or mine?" He asked back and I just pointed to him and got on him. He just got up and carried me to the door. "Thanks Mason." was all he said before running out and running all the way home so we could sleep.

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