Mates and broken love

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Yes this is a lyric video if you want the og one the song is called eres mía

Liam's pov

I couldn't keep thinking about Brett it would end up bad, I mean he's my best friend. I pulled my phone off of my night stand and called Theo.

Theo- Hey

Liam- Hi, can you come over? I need to get my mind off things.

Theo- Open your window

Liam- How the hell? never mind.

I hung up and opened the window as soon as I did Theo jumped in and kissed me.
Both my parents were out so I didn't have to worry. I heard a noise outside but I ignored it.

Brett's pov

I couldn't stop thinking about me and Liam. I mean I've had feelings for him for a long time and I've told him about it but he likes Theo. That kiss- those kisses we shared had to mean something. Ugh no they didn't, he just needed a distraction. I was alone and Satomi said she'd be home but she never got here. I never told Liam that Satomi was my mom and that I never knew my dad. I didn't want him to know that my dad walked out on me after my first gay "episode." That was when I was like 3 so I never really knew my dad I don't remember him, I just remember why he walked out.

*flash back* (trigger warning verbal abuse)

I looked at the boy in front of me he's pretty. His eyes are pretty too. "Hi,
I Brett" I say smiling at the pretty boy, his eyes were like a pretty rock. "Hey, I Theo." The pretty boy said back,  I walked over and kissed pretty boy on the lips. A little while later daddy pulled me off. "You little shit, I don't deal with fags, fuck this I'm leaving!" Daddy yelled and slapped me. I cried and wanted mommy she always helps me. Mommy picked me up to leave when I saw pretty boy kissing other people. This made me cry more.
I hate Theo!

*end of flash back*

Tears started to sting my eyes and I didn't feel like being alone anymore so I got up and ran towards the only place I know.
Liam. Once I got there I sat on the window sill only to see Theo was kissing Liam. I whimpered a bit just like my wolf did but they never stopped so I kept whimpering. I closed my eyes and waited till it was all over. I'm pathetic, I know but a lot of things were running through my mind right now. Once it was was over I crawled through the window. I know I was crying but it was not all his fault.

(Play the song now Sorry if you don't know what the song says, either way you can still play the song if you're not bilingual)

"Brett!" Liam yelled trying to pull the sheets off but Theo wouldn't let him, "You're naked and he doesn't get to see you like that." Theo said with his eyes closed. "He can see me however he wants to, even if it's the way you see me if he wants to see me naked under him and in a panting mess because of him then he can asshole." Liam said back yanking the sheets off, "Wh-why are you here ?" Liam said grabbing his boxer briefs and putting them on. "I-i uh, I had some unpleasant thoughts and Satomi wasn't home at the time. She said she'd be and I thought I could come here because I didn't want to be alone anymore." I said looking down I hate Theo! I don't want to see him ever. Unfortunately, I have to and I have to forget everything.

Liam hugged me but i pushed him away.
"You smell gross and like him." I said and he nodded, Theo sighed, "Tell the whore to leave will you?" Theo said sounding a bit more frustrated. "No and don't you fucking call him a whore ever again!" Liam yelled at Theo but Theo just stood up and punched Liam. Liam was holding his nose, his face was scrunched up in pain, "Amor estás bien?!" I yelled but realized I said it in Spanish. "Liam are you okay?!" I yelled again, I was panicking. I want to know if this happens on the regular. "Aww the little bitch can speak Spanish." Theo said with a smirk
I punched him. "He's mine! If you ever touch him that way again, I'll make sure you won't be able to touch anyone!" I growled at him and realized I called Liam mine but he didn't say anything.

"He's not yours but I know you'd like to be mine." Theo said with a smirk I shook my head no. This asshole wants a repeat of last time. He came up to me and kissed me. I pushed him away and punched him. Never again, I'll hate him forever. "Liam is mine and he'll always be mine, if you thought for a second that he was yours you're wrong because he doesn't want trash like you." I said and punched him again Theo got up and jumped out the window. "Liam I'm serious are you okay?" I asked bending down to where he was. "Y-yeah I think so, w-what did you say in Spanish." Liam asked me, I didn't want to tell him, I mean I know he doesn't like me that way. "And h-how do you know how to speak Spanish?" He asked

"I'm British/Mexican and uh I um said love, are you okay?" I said looking away
"Listen Brett thank you for protecting me from Theo but." He started standing up so I did the same. "I don't like you that way, I don't think I ever will." He said pausing a little, "I-I'm sorr-." I didn't wait for him to finish I jumped out his window and ran. I ran all the way home. I couldn't really see anything by the time I got home, it was blurry and I knew I was balling my eyes out. I went to his house to get rid of the memories, not to feel worse. All I wanted was for him to be mine, I know he's my mate and it hurts knowing I'll never be with him.

I mean I could die because of this but in general, I've fallen in love with him. He's my everything but my everything doesn't want me back. "Brett what's wrong?" Satomi looked at me, "M-mommy?" I cried, I knew she looked at me with worried eyes, I only call her that when things were serious. "Oh Brett." She came and hugged me. "M-he doesn't love me back, m-my mate doesn't love me back." I cried so hard that I don't really know when I drifted of to sleep.

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