explosions on the beach

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          Flames danced across the sand as debris littered the area, smoke wafting upwards and drenching everything with its intoxicating scent, hot sparks hazily floating in the air

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Flames danced across the sand as debris littered the area, smoke wafting upwards and drenching everything with its intoxicating scent, hot sparks hazily floating in the air. Laying eagle spread on the ground was Kennedy as her eyes fluttered open, everything was hazy and blurry as she groggily blinked, feeling the coarse metal part from the plane digging into her back as her ears rung loudly, all of her senses feeling completely muted. Waving a hand in front of her face hazily, as if that would somehow help, Kennedy began to cough loudly, her lungs full of smoke.

Sputtering, she forced herself upwards, nearly choking as an intense ringing noise went off in her ears. Sitting upwards for a mere moment, Kennedy struggled to regain a sense of consciousness and then she remembered --


Without hesitation, Kennedy was pulling herself upwards, using large chunks of burning metal to push herself up, ignoring the pain that burst everywhere in her body as if the whole thing was on fire. Her knees nearly buckling, Kennedy forced herself to run, her eyes burning as smoke stung them, her airways clogged with smoke as her feet sank in the sand, her eyes widened so much that the whites of them were visible as she began to shovel through smaller pieces of rubble from the plan.


Her voice was raw and raspy as she screamed his name loudly, her throat soar and scratchy, speaking being more painful than anything. As she received no response, Kennedy grew more and more frantic, beginning to sift through everything as she struggled to make herself move faster on top of the heavy sand, flames licking at every part of her as her panic grew like wildfire as she searched and searched for Peter but he was nowhere to be found.

"Peter?" Kennedy yelled desperately again. "Peter!"

Then she spotted him.

Laying flat on his back, completely motionless, was Peter, about ten yards away from her as he rested in the sand. Small fires blazed around him as small chunks of debris rained around his body, smoke billowing overhead and still he did not move. Her breath cutting off completely, Kennedy pushed off from the sand, running as fast as she could, ignoring all of the horrible pain that swept through her body. As she reached him, her legs completely gave way and she was sent tumbling onto the sand, falling to her knees as she latched onto Peter's jacket, shaking him.

"Peter!" Her voice was nothing but pure pain as she called out his name for what seemed like the hundredth time, her grip around his jacket so tight her knuckles were white while tears began to form in her eyes. "Wake up! Peter, please! Please, wake up!"

Suddenly, he began to cough wildly. Nearly laughing in relief, Kennedy let go of his jacket instantly, falling backwards as Peter shot upwards. Clawing frantically at his mask, Peter's chest was heaving as he gasped for air before ripping it off, a hacking cough erupting from his chest as he drank the air in wild gulps, sweat pouring down his face, his eyes wild and fearful as he glanced frantically around, only mildly relaxing as he took in Kennedy beside him.

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