inside the evil lair

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          "Kennedy, wake up!"

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"Kennedy, wake up!"

"Mmf," Kennedy groaned loudly as a vaguely familiar voice pierced her ears, the sensation of someone shaking her body irritating her as she refused to open her eyes, curling her body up as if she were a fetus, "not now... maybe... " Scout began to trail off as she began to slip back off into her slumber, "tell Pepper I don't... "

"Seriously, Kennedy, wake up!"

"No," pushing the person away from her, Kennedy began to snuggle deeper into the covers she envisioned herself wrapped within, struggling t be comfortable again. "This pillow sucks... feel like shit... "

"Because it's not a pillow, we're in a truck!"

"What?" Kennedy bolted upwards, her hair sticking up in every direction as her eyes struggled to focus in the dim lighting of the truck, startling Peter as he snapped backwards. "Oh, my head," Kennedy moaned, the sudden movement causing a jolt of pain to rush through it as she rubbed at it, "what the hell happened?"

"It appears that when Peter was thrown into the truck, he landed on top of you, giving you a mild concussion. Then, when he jumped up to escape the truck only to find that the molecules had shifted back into place, he received a mild concussion only to land on top of you again, greatly worsening your condition," the Suit Lady's voice was particularly annoying as it rang louder than ever in Kennedy's ear, causing her to wince in pain again before slowly looking up to glare at Peter.

"You gave me a concussion?"

"Hey!" Peter exclaimed defensively, throwing his hands up as Kennedy scrambled up towards him threateningly, backing up into the cages that lined the walls, "don't forget, I have one too and -- are you okay?"

As Kennedy had rushed up, completely ready to murder Peter for injuring her, the pain within her skull practically tripled as her brain threatened to explode completely. Her vision doubling, a sick feeling of dizziness overwhelmed her senses entirely, causing Kennedy to stumble dramatically, hardly able to stay upright with the support of the cages.

"I'm fine," Kennedy growled out as she clutched the cages on either side of her, glaring at Peter so furiously as he came over to help her up that he stepped back, "just -- " Kennedh clenched her teeth as a wave of pain tore through her body again, "where the hell are we?"

"I think the bad guys hijacked the truck and took us to their evil lair," said Peter slowly, looking as if he wanted to help Kennedy but hardly dared to even look at her as the look on her face screamed murder. "I think we're gonna have to fight our way out of this one -- or I'm going to have to fight our way out of this one."

"I can fight," said Kennedy hastily, nearly falling again as she swooned on her feet, letting go of the cages, "I can fight."

"If you say so."

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