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After what seemed like decades but was really only a few moments, I pulled away shocked at what had just happened. Did I just? Did.. did we just?

"I.. uh.. it was probably like.. I uh.. I'm gonna just— It's getting pretty late." Zach stutters out in a panic as he reaches for words to say and starts to head for the door. I just look at him speechless, not being able to say anything. He looks me up and down for a quick moment and then walks out of my bedroom door.

What.. the hell just happened? I'm straight. I'm straight. I, Alex Standall, AM STRAIGHT. I start taking quick breaths as I freak out. I can't believe that just happened. Oh my god, what is Zach going to think of me now? There goes our PT lessons. I throw myself onto my bed, face first into my pillow.

All of a sudden my phone starts vibrating, somebody's calling me. Oh god, please don't let it be Zach. I can't take any more embarrassment right now. I pick my phone up to see that it's Clay. Huh, what the hell does he want?

"Hey Clay what's up." I say very unenthusiastically. "Alex? Oh my god man, I thought something happened to you." Clay says in an obvious state of panic. "Why would something have happened to me dude what the hell?" I say confused.

"Tyler just tried to shoot up the dance. We stopped him and everyone is okay but we couldn't find you or Zach anywhere and Zach isn't picking up his phone so we were scared that, well.." Clay says in a hurry and I try to process everything hes saying. Tyler tried to shoot up the school? Why the hell would he do that?

"Oh uh yeah no Zach drove me home because I uh.. wasn't feeling too well. So he's fine too." I say, trying to sound as convincing as possible. I mean, what I'm saying isn't actually a lie because technically he did bring me home because I wasn't feeling great, but Clay doesn't need to know what else happened.

"Alright that's good, I have to go and talk to some policemen, later dude." Clay says. I say bye and hang up the phone. Holy shit. So much just happened. Tyler really tried to shoot up the school? I can't believe this.. didn't he just go to some namaste bullshit camp?

So many thoughts are going through my head. How the hell did all of this manage to happen in one night. Jess cheats on me with Justin, I kiss my best friend who's a GUY, and Tyler tries to shoot up the dance? All of a sudden I jump at the sound of a knock on my door as my mom opens the door.

"Hey hun, need anything to help you feel better?" She says as she leans onto the doorframe. Yeah, you know what I need? To literally fly to some foreign country, forget all my problems and never look back. "Nah I'm fine mom, thanks." I say, trying to form a smile, but smiling at the moment isn't so easy. She walks out and closes the door.

Maybe I just need a good night of sleep for once and everything will be okay. Hell, maybe I'm imagining shit. Maybe we didn't kiss. Oh shut the hell up Alex, you know that we kissed. I groan into my pillow and flip onto my back as I curl into my blanket. I didnt even bother to change out my clothes from the dance, but screw it.

Blood. I look at my hands and they're covered with blood. Everything around me is blank, like if the world was on pause and I was the only one that could fathom reality. I scrunch my eyebrows at my hands. Where the hell is all this blood coming from?

All of a sudden I'm drowning, gasping for air. I'm reachinng and reaching for a way out of this water but I can't seem to find a way. What the hell is going on. I look around to see myself drowning in what once was water but now is blood. Not just any blood. My blood.

I hear a loud ringing noise. What the hell is going on. I hear the echo of a voice. "Why did you do this" the voice repeatedly cries out. Why did I do what? What?? I try to cry back out to the voice but I can't.

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