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Hehe, the 13th part ;) Get it? No..? Ok.


"Alex, I already told you that you can't walk around so much yet. Let your body rest!" My mom practically cries at me as she frantically points towards my bed. I sigh.

"I've been on bed rest for like two weeks mom. I think I'm okay now, like, really." I say, trying to convince my mom for about the 50th time in just today, that I'm okay.

"No can do cuddle bug, Dr. Conn is still trying to piece together why your legs gave out after so much progress, and while he does, you can't be up and about. Now, bed kiddo." She says with a stern look, and I knew then she wasn't backing down.

I groan and throw myself onto my bed. "Careful Alex!!" My mom cries out. I groan even more into my pillow. She takes this as a sign to leave and closes my bedroom door.

I flip onto my back and pick my phone up from my side table. My phone lights up with a text from Zach. Since I have been on bed rest for the past two weeks, I haven't been to school, and haven't seen Zach in awhile.

Text from,

Zach: hi baby. how are you feeling?

I can't help but smile at the new nickname, "baby". I always found pet names ridiculous and was always one to make fun of people that used them, but I can't lie, it makes my heart skip a few beats.

Me: hi, i'm feeling way better. would feel even better if i was with you :/

Zach: do you want me to come over?

I raise my eyebrow in thought for a moment.

Me: definitely. my moms home though :/

Zach: your door has a lock for a reason ;)

I stare at that text kind of shocked for a second. What the hell is he implying with that little smirk face. I can just see it on him right now. I laugh before I realize.. oh? Wait. Oh? I don't even know anymore.

Me: fair point. come over pleaaaseee <3

Zach: i mean like i GUESS so

Me: whatever goof. hurry up before i start netflix without you

Zach: ok ok omg you better not

Me: ;)

I can't help but feel all giddy about Zach coming over. He's usually super busy with some new sport, and lately he's been helping his mom with something. I don't really know what but, he'll tell me eventually. I hope at least.

I go onto the town's news website to see what's been happening while I've been on bed rest. I read that Tyler's trial is coming up pretty soon. When will the trials be over? It feels like they're never ending.

I toss my phone to the side and pick up the remote to my tv. These were pretty much how my days went now. I have such an interesting life, I know.

I go onto netflix and scroll through the movies. I can't find anything that seems interesting, it's like I've already watched all the good stuff. Oh well, I'll just wait for Zach to get here so that he can choose. I pick up my phone and start playing a game.

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