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Oh my god did I just see the whole lower half of him nude. Please tell me that did not just happen. I mean.. I'm not really complaining buuut—Alex, hold up. You're sounding gayer every minute. Is gayer even a word? What the hell is happening to me.

We head out of the locker rooms and head to the parking lot, him helping me into my seat like always. This time I luckily don't make any awkward falls. He gets in his seat and pulls out of the parking lot, driving onto the main road.

We drive for a bit as some music on the radio is on, I have no idea what's playing. I barely keep up with the popular music nowadays. We get to the turn that you would take to get to my house but instead Zach keeps driving.

"Uh, Zach? You know we just missed the turn right?" I say with my eyebrows slightly pulled together. "Mhmm." Is all he says, giving a small smile. "Oh okay then.. where are we going?" I say, pretty damn confused.

"I don't know about you but I'm starving so we're going to Basco's." Zach says slightly enthusiastically, eyes still locked straight on the road. Bascos was a small family owned diner with the best pastas. I've only been there about twice but I know they're super good.

"As long as you're paying cuz I'm pretty damn broke." I say with a laugh. He scoffs and says "What kind of a gentleman would I be if I didn't pay?", afterwards smiling. I swear his smile is enough to make anyone else smile instantly. I roll my eyes and smile as he pulls into Basco's parking lot.

As we walk inside Basco's, I'm immediately hit with the delicious scents of all types of pastas. Pasta is probably my all time favorite food. It doesn't even matter what type of pasta, just pasta in general. We get taken to a table and our waitress comes soon after.

"Hi there I'm Kenna and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" She says, getting ready to write down whatever we say. "I'll take a water." Zach says almost immediately. "Same." I say giving a small smile at the waitress and then looking down at the table. I think for a moment.

"Can i have one of those drawing packets that kids usually get?" I ask her, both Zach and her looking at me with a weird expression. "Uh yeah, no problem." She says and she walks off. "The hell do you want a kids coloring book for?" Zach says and laughs.

"Oh shut up, it helps with my anxiety." I say. He nods and looks at the table. I take this moment to really look at him. To look at his dark hair and his defined jawline and cheekbones. Damn. He could be a model.

He glances up and catches me staring, resulting in him smirking and me quickly and awkwardly shifting my eyes away to pretend as if I wasn't just admiring his face. I'm always embarrassing myself around him, jesus.

Our waitress comes back with our waters and a coloring book with a small packet of crayons. She takes our order and then walks away, probably thinking I'm pretty weird for wanting a kid's coloring book but I don't really care.

I open my pack of crayons and start coloring the weird pirate hybrid wolf looking guy on the cover of the book. Whoever makes these now a days is on some seriously hard drugs. I see Zach watching me color as he leans his cheek on his hand, struggling to not laugh. I look at him and laugh. "Oh shut it." I say.

"Hey, I didn't say anything." He says, eyes locked on mine. I roll my eyes and smile as I keep coloring. I flip through the pages and find a bunch of tic-tac-toes to do. I laugh and look up at Zach. "Wanna play tic-tac-toe?" I say, wiggling my eyebrows. "What am I, six? Hand me a crayon." He says, smiling. I pass him the green crayon.

I win the first two matches, him winning the third. "Oh yeah that's right, how does it feel to be a loser." He says with a cheeky smile, taunting me. I laugh, "I wouldn't know the feeling, I let you win." I say. "Oh whatever." He says with a smile.

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