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"So, what movie are we watching boys?" Amber says as she dives into the middle section of the couch, leaving Zach and I to be on the outskirts.

A few weeks. She said she had already been staying in town for a few weeks. This could explain why Zach has been so distant lately—or maybe, I'm just overthinking it. I try to drown out my thoughts by focusing on picking a movie.

"I was thinking a comedy maybe?" I say, trying to sound level headed and calm while I'm actually freaking out inside. Why in the hell would Zach think bringing this chick was a good idea? Guess I won't know until I confront him later on.

"Comedy? Eh, I'm not really feeling it. Let's do horror, I know horror is Zachy's favorite" she says with a small laugh, bumping into Zach's shoulder a bit. I have to use every cell in my body to resist rolling my eyes at her stupid pet name.

I can tell from one glance that Zach looks nervous as hell.. does that mean hes guilty of something? And since when the hell has he been into horror? He's always been more of a cheesy romantic movie type.

I start scrolling through the selection of scary movies not knowing what to choose. My brain feels like it's going a million miles per hour. Maybe I shouldn't be so jealous of this girl, I mean hell, I don't know anything about her. And yet, I find myself not wanting her anywhere near Zach.

Barely ten minutes into the movie, this chick has gotten scared at least twenty times. Every single time, she jumps a bit towards Zach, clenching onto his shirt. It's like somehow, this girl knows about me and Zach and is trying to piss me off. I know this isn't the case but it damn sure feels like it.

After about an hour passes, Amber falls asleep during the movie. Zach and I's eyes lock for a moment as we realize she's asleep, but mine land right back onto the TV. I don't know how to go about this.

I get up off of the couch quietly and head towards the kitchen to get some food. Yes, this is me stress eating. I'm trying to peacefully spread some jam on toast when suddenly I feel a presence behind me, immediately knowing it's Zach.

"Alex.. I know what you're thinking, and it isn't like that." He whispers, not trying to be loud so that Amber doesn't wake up. I roll my eyes and turn around, looking up at him.

"Then what is it?! You lied to me Zach. You said she's only been staying with you for a few days, and that sure isn't what she said." I whisper shout back, not being able to hide my anger. It's been piling up ever since she stepped foot into my house.

He seemed caught off gaurd by this comment for a moment. "I was just scared of how you'd react if I told you she's been staying for a few weeks. I didn't want you to act like this." He whispers, subtly reaching for my hand with his.

I quickly pull my hand away. "Well sorry that I didn't meet your fucking expectations, Zach. You literally brought some random chick into my house and then lied about it." I roll my eyes as I state.

"Baby, I'm sorry. What can I do to make up for it? I know I'm a dumbass." He whispers softly with that puppy dog look in his eyes. God, when he looks at me like that I just want to melt. Wait Standall.. what the hell?? No! You're supposed to be mad. Stand your ground for once damnit.

"For starters, you and her can both leave. Go ahead and finish the movie if you want but, I'll be in my room. I can't deal with this right now." I say as I start to walk away, plate of toast in hand. I don't even take a second to look at his reaction to my words as I walk away, wanting to add dramatic effect. Granted, I'm not walking too fast, all things considered, but I'm walking fast enough.

I reach the stairs and struggle a bit getting up the first few. It's not long before Zach pops up right behind me. "Alex, come on. Just talk to me? Please?" He whimpers, obviously sympathetic in his tone. Part of me wants to forgive him but, the other half of me is just too damn stubborn.

I ignore him and keep trying to walk up the stairs. "Fine, if you don't want to talk to me..." He says, his words trailing out into nothing. Next thing I know, I'm being swept into a his arms in cradle position. If I hadn't had a good grip on my plate, my toast would have literally been toast.

"Zach what the hell are you doing?!" I whisper shout, squirming a bit to get out of his arms. It's no use, he has a tight grip on me as he walks up the stares, not answering to my protests. "Let me the fuck down!" I practically growl. He ignores this comment, instead heading into my room.

He softly tosses me onto the bed, taking the plate of toast out of my hands. He looks very intimidating right now, and not going to lie, it's like seeing him in a new perspective. "You don't want to talk? Fine, we don't have to talk." He says as he places his hands on the bed—one by my left and one by my right. I'm laying flat on the bed as he's hovering right above me.

Hold on, what the hell is he about to do?

hi all!! so, a few things. first, thank you to everyone who still supports this book and comments that they want updates and stuff, it's really encouraging! the main reason for my lack of uploads is me not really knowing how I want this story to go. would you all be bothered if this just took a boyxboy primarily route and wasn't too focused on the plotline of 13rw itself? let me know! :)

second, should this book be kept strictly pg-13 or do yall want.. ya know. hehe. let me know that as well!

i hope to be uploading more soon. love u guys always <3

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