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two bros, chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart cuz they're nOt GaY
hey! quick thing before i start this chapter! last chapter I had a note on where to start the music and i wrote some stuff after the chapter was finished and for some reason wattpad didn't sync it ((: i could go back and change it but eh what's done is done. anyways enjoy heheh

Zach's Pov —

I don't know what I'm doing as I pull him towards me and connect our lips together, pinning him to the door while kissing him still afterwards.

Let me just tell you— kissing Alex is like nothing I have ever known before. It's almost rough but still delicate at the same time. I don't want to stop and from the looks of it, neither does he. Holy shit.. does he feel the same way about me?

It's like everything I was sad about just moments before completely vanished. He makes all of my worries melt and wash away. Wow that sounded so poetic, I should become a poet.

All of a sudden Alex flips me around to where I'm now pinned onto the door, lips still clasped onto eachother's. It's almost kind of funny because he's so much shorter than I am, he's standing on his tippy toes. Don't get me wrong though, it's both hot and cute at the same time. Buuuut I laugh. It's funny.

He pulls his eyebrows together. "Wh-why are you laughing?" He says, obviously nervous. "You're so.. short." I say and laugh more, gently stroking his cheek with my hand. "Oh fuck off." He says as he laughs and shoves me, making me laugh further.

Then I think what just happened really hits us. He looks up to me and then glances down, in shock and not knowing what to say. "I.. what is this Zach?" He says, looking up to me and slightly biting his lip.

"Do you, uh, want it? To be something?" I say, my voice a bit shaky. This is it. This is the moment I've been waiting so long for. I mean.. he kissed me back. That has to mean something doesn't it?

He goes to open his mouth to say something but before words can escape him, the bathroom door bursts open and some brown haired girl runs to the toilet and vomits. The moment is so crazy that me and Alex look at her in shock. Why does this girl look so familiar?

"Are you uh.. okay?" I ask, raising my eyebrows towards the girl. "Yeah yeah, I'm fin—" she says, getting cut off as she throws up even more. God, I can't watch this. If I see her throw up, I'm gonna throw up, and that's probably not the best thing to do right now.

Alex still stands in complete silence, lips pursed together. It's obvious hes doing his best to not laugh. She gets up and sighs, going to the sink to rinse her mouth. "Damn that was crazy. I took like.. twelve shots, hah." She says, probably totally wasted.

"I'm Kennaaa" She says, dragging out the A and laughing. Yes, definitely wasted. Wait, Kenna? Is this our waitress from the other night? Huh, small world. "I'm Zach, he's Alex." I say, Alex giving a small wave.

"Ohhh! I remem, I remember you guys! I love you guys, my bestest friends" she says, closing her eyes and laughing, then falling, me catching her. "Do you need us to take you home? You look pretty wasted." I say and laugh, Alex laughing afterwards too.

"Yeahhh that would be great. I doubt Amanda wanted to drive me back anyways, that biiiitch. She," She pauses and laughs, "slept with my boyfriend. How rude." She says, still laughing afterwards. I look at Alex who just looks back at me with an expression that screams "What the hell?"

We help her downstairs. As we're about to walk out I notice Justin chase after Clay in the corner of my eye. Damn, Clay looked pissed. Wonder what the hell happened there. Me and Alex walk out with Kenna and help her into my car, then I help Alex into my car.

It takes all about two seconds for Kenna to immediately pass out in the back. Alcohol is one hell of a drug. It's silent, but I can feel when Alex glances at me for a bit. It's almost like his gaze is comforting.

"Zach I.. I've never.. I've never dated a boy." He says, looking straight at the street. This takes me by surprise. Not him never being with a boy, but that he suddenly spoke on it.

"What and you think I have?" I say and smirk, glancing at him for a moment and then looking back at the road. He chuckles and doesn't say anything for a moment.

"No it's not that I just.. what are people gonna think?" He says, looking at me. I would look into his eyes right now, but I'm kind of trying not to crash this car and die today.

"Alex Standall, do you really care about what people have to say?" I say and chuckle a bit, glancing at him for a moment again. He goes silent but after a few moments that feel like decades,

"No. I don't." He says, smiling and looking at me. It was from this very moment that I knew that we were gonna be something, whether its good or bad, who the hell knows? All I know is that all I care about is him right now.

"AwWw so cuuuuute, I should become a lesbian!" Kenna says from the back seat, over exaggerating the words "aww" and "cute."

Alex and I both groan at the same time.

it has BEGUN yayyyy :) i'm so excited for their journey ahh! even though i'm the author it's like i'm still reading someone else's story and falling in love with the characters hehe. stay tuned <3 also thank you sm for commenting, voting, etc. it's really appreciated!!!

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