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"You don't want to talk? Fine, we don't have to talk." He says as he places his hands on the bed—one by my left and one by my right. I'm laying flat on the bed as he's hovering right above me.

"Zach what-" I try to say and am interrupted by our lips meeting. Part of me wants to stop this because I'm still mad at him but the other half of me just wants him completely.

Our lips move harmoniously, as if they were a perfect match for eachother. He lifts his right hand from the bed and slowly runs it through my hair as he shifts his lips off of mine and onto my neck, sending shivers down my body.

He tugs at the skin of my neck, marking me with hickeys, claiming me. He stops for a moment to take off his shirt, revealing his nearly perfect chiseled body. He stares into my eyes while motioning towards my shirt, to which I nod. He easily takes my shirt off of me.

His lips slowly start to travel down my body, tugging at the skin lightly at every stop. The feeling is indescribable, causing a moan to escape my lips. He quickly reaches up with his hand, covering my mouth. "Quiet." Zach commands.

Fuck, I didn't realize he could be so dominant. I never thought I'd be into being dominated either but I mean, here we are.

He leaves love marks on my body, eventually reaching my waistline. I want nothing more in this moment than for him to just rip my pants off of me. He raises his head slightly, eyes locking into mine. "Can I..." he asks, motioning towards my lower region. I quickly nod.

He chuckles, "Woah there sticks, a bit eager huh?" I roll my eyes, "Shut up Dempsey, go on." Without hesitation, he pulls my pants off swiftly, leaving me in just my boxers. The cold air hits my legs softly, but they quickly warm as his arms wrap around them.

He places kisses on my thigh before carefully taking my boxers off, leaving me fully exposed. My body gives away just how much I want Zach. He starts to kiss the very inner regions of my thigh, teasing the hell out of me.

Seconds later, Zach takes me into his mouth, sending huge immediate waves of euphoria down my back. I gasp a bit, caught off gaurd by the feeling. He slowly motions up and down.

Motioning upwards, he releases me from his mouth and twirls around the tip with his tounge while looking upwards, staring at me. It takes all I have in me to not moan and give away what we're doing.

Zach continues to twirl his tounge around while motioning downwards with his hands, never breaking away from the eye contact. Suddenly, he takes me in again and the same wave of euphoria hits, but somehow, twice as strong.

I feel my legs start to spasm a bit as I know I'm almost at my peak. I close my eyes and start to pant a little, the best attempt I can do at staying completely quiet. Zach seems to see that I'm almost there and starts to go motion up and down quicker.

My eyes roll to the back of my head as I cant control myself any longer and I let go, releasing into his mouth. It doesn't seem to catch him off gaurd as he still keeps going for a few moments afterwards, sending shivers down my spine.

He finally releases his hold of me and wipes his mouth with the side of his hand while looking directly at me. I close my eyes and am speechless and I catch my breath again. For someone who's never done that before, Zach knows his shit.

He places himself on the bed next to me, trailing his fingers lightly on my arm. "How was that? Was I too much?" He asks, his hand moving from my arm to my head as he softly runs his fingers through my hair.

"That was perfect. You were perfect." I say, opening my eyes to be met with his. I cup his face with one of my hands as I gently pull him in for a kiss, connecting us even more in this moment. Somehow Zach Dempsey can always manage to make you feel at the top of the world.

"I want to... you know, return the favor." I say when I pull away from the kiss. I've never done it before, but I still want to try for him.

"Are you sure?" He says, lightly brushing his thumb on my cheek. His love language is defintely touch, evident enough in the way he constantly caresses me.

I'm about to say yes, when suddenly I hear a voice chirp up. "Zaaachy? Alex?" yells Amber from downstairs. Fuck, she's awake again, great. Zach holds an apologetic look in his eyes as we hear her voice.

"Next time? I know this doesn't make up for me lying to you and I'll tell you everything, just not now. I want it to just to be the two of us." Zach says in a soft, almost whispering voice. I don't give a verbal answer, instead I give a small nod, trying to hide my annoyance that Amber's voice immediately brings me.

We both get up and leave my room, heading towards the stairs. Great, now he's gonna head home with her to do God knows what. Calm down Alex, try not to be so insecure for fuck's sake... but I can't help it. He better have a damn good explanation.

hi all! thanks for reading and all the votes and kind comments <3 i started writing this awhile back and didn't realize people would actually like it so it takes me awhile to get out new chapters due to new things going on in my life such as a new job and whatnot, but i hope you all stick around for the future chapters :)

i actually haven't watched much of season 4 yet due to being so busy but *SPOILER WARNING* when Alex kissed Zach??? i was in total shock! we were lowkey robbed of them but i still appreciate that they made alex lgbt regardless. i always knew my baby was a little... limp wrist.

anywho, thanks so much for reading and i'll see yall next time <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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