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Sundays are the second worst day of the week, Monday being the first. Sunday is when I do all my homework last second and contemplate my entire existence. I groan at the thought of me having to start another week of school tomorrow.

Zach dropped me off at my house last night after we took Kenna home. I honestly can't even believe what the hell happened yesterday. I mean.. what if he was actually drunk? So none of it was real? I mean he didn't seem drunk?

I sigh. What the hell am I then? Straight, gay, what? I mean I thought I was straight and I've never really had any thoughts about being with a boy before, but then Zach came along and fucked it all up.

I wonder what everyone is gonna think? I mean, I said I didn't care but.. this is kind of a big thing. I've never been with a guy before. It's funny, the gay rumors were about Clay and now I'M the one falling over a boy. Huh.

Am I being too clingy if I text him? Or is he gonna think I'm uninterested if I don't text him? I mean.. I made it pretty visable I'm interested last night.

Kissing Zach isn't like anything I've ever known before. It's not even because he's a guy, when I kiss him I just feel like I'm being lifted into the heavens by jesus himself. Cheesy, I know.

I twiddle my thumbs together and decide not to text him. I don't wanna turn into some clingy hormonal teenager. I mean, I kind of already am one but.. let's just not show it.

I sit at my desk and flip through the pages of my history book. History has to be some of the most boring shit to read ever. Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty easy subject to pass and some of it can get interesting, but it's like all of this is the same info.

It's like theres just a few countries that have a war, then some few lucky bastards find new land, even though most of the new land was already inhabited by natives, then they conquer that land and make a new country, but then go into war with others, yada yada yada.

I'm telling you, it's all the same shit but with different dates. I read about three paragraphs before getting bored and closing the book. Oh well, Ms. Barry can deal with it. Suddenly my phone buzzes as I get a text.

Unknown Number : hey best frienddd

Me : uh.. who is this

Unknown Number : kenna silly!!! we established our friendship last night ;)

Unknown Number changed to "Kenna"

Me : weren't you completely wasted? how do u even remember that

Kenna : nahh i just like to act wasted

Kenna : feels cool to just be something im not sometimes ya know

Me : yeah

Kenna : so how are u and the sexy asian guy doing ;)

Me : we haven't talked since last night lol

Kenna : last night in the car? or did you guys take it somewhere else.... (;

Me : kenna omg

Me: we just told eachother how we felt like, last night..

Kenna : never stopped me hunnyyyy :)

Me :

Me : ok kenna LMAO im gonna do my history homework now

Kenna : ugh boo you whore

Me : love u 2

Kenna : <3 ;)))

Well that was, to say the least, interesting. Hold up, how the hell did she even get my number? Oh well, I need to get this history homework done. Ugh.


After about 3 long hours of catching up on all of my history work, my phone starts to ring. I groan at having to get up from my chair to get my phone which just so happened to be on my bed, I'm lazy, I know.

Oh.. it's Zach. I take a deep breath and pick up the call. "Hey Zach.." I say, slightly biting my lip. "Hola sticks. What are you doing?" He says.  I wished I was doing him, hah. Oh jeez Alex, get your mind out of the gutter!

"Well I just finished up on history homework, it took me forever. I havent eaten since like eight in the morning." I say and laugh. "Why the hell were you awake at eight in the morning on a Sunday" he says with concern in his voice but while laughing.

"I don't know, my sleeping schedule is all types of screwed up." I say and laugh, him also laughing. God, how I adore his laugh. Wow, here I am sounding all poetic again.

"Well my friend, you're lucky that I just so happen to be at your house with food." He says, I can already imagine him wiggling his eyebrows or something stupid but cute.

"Friends huh?" I say and tease as I walk out of my room to go downstairs. Thank god my mom isn't home. "Oh please, I think you already know that's not all." He says, leading me to just smile.

I open my door and am face to faced with Zach staring at me with a smirk on his face, holding a bag of food from Panda Express. Wow, he really knows the way to my heart.

He walks in and heads to the kitchen to put the bag of food down, me trailing along after him. "Please tell me you got lomein?" I say, hoping that's what he got.

"I've known you long enough to know thats exactly what you wanted" he says and laughs as he takes out a container of lomein and slides it across the table. I wipe fake tears off of my face and grab a plastic fork the food came with.

I pile some onto one of the plastic plates and immediately dive in. I was quite literally starving. I glance up at Zach who's just watching me, on the verge of laughing.

"Whauh?" I say while my mouth is stuffed with food. This breaks him and he starts laughing. "You weren't kidding when you said you were starving." He says, smirking. I roll my eyes and slightly smile, still eating.

When we finish eating, we head upstairs to my bedroom, and NO not in that way folks! I turn on my tv and switch it to Netflix, throwing myself onto my bed, feeling completely stuffed.
Zach sits next to me but not too close, almost as like if hes too nervous to sit super close. How cute.

"Whatcha wanna watch?" I say as I scroll through Netflix. "Hold up, stop on that show. Jane the virgin?" He says. I stop on it and read the description. Wow that sounds so good. I press play.


"I can't believe she got accidentally inseminated?!" Zach says as he stares at the screen in shock. "And with Rafael's baby? Holy shit." I say, also in shock. "Aw but Micheal. Feel bad for the dude." Zach says. "I don't, team Rafael all the way. I mean, look at the guy." I say without thinking.

Oh shit.. did I just think about this tv character like.. that? Him being like.. a boy? What the hell. I've never really shown interest in guys before but I feel like now it's a whole new door of life.

"Okay yeah but Micheal is so sweet! I mean, Rafael's hot and all but he looks like such a douche." Zach says and laughs. I glance at him while hes laughing. I'll never get over that smile.

My thoughts are interrupted when I get a call from.. Justin? The hell? Why is Justin Foley calling me. I answer. "Hey.. Justin?" I say, confused. Zach looks at me confused as well.

"Hey Alex.. I don't know how to say this but uh, Clay and Tony might be going to prison." He says. In this instant my eyes widen and I almost drop my phone. Holy shit. I look at Zach, him still confused since he didn't hear Justin's words. Oh boy Jensen, what the hell did you guys get yourselves into?

hello loves!!!! i'm so sorry that I haven't updated in like basically a month! alot of crazy stuff was happening and i didn't know what direction i wanted to go for this book, but expect more updates soon (hopefully) thank u for reading & commenting and voting! it means the world <3

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