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Zachs Pov —

I grab Alex by his hands and help him out of the pool like usual. I like helping him with these type of things, it makes me feel special. I glance down for a few minutes and notice something.

He has a boner.. again? Second time this has happened. It takes all I have in me to not smile at the thought that I do that to him, instead I pretend to look shocked and awkward. I guess my tactics are working.

If you haven't guessed by now, I'm honestly so gay for Alex. It took a long time to realize that but well, I sure as hell have realized it. What sucks even more is that he's straight—or at least he thinks he is. These boners are saying elsewise though.

As for myself? I mean, I'm gay for Alex, and I genuinely liked Hannah, but other than her I never have really had any attraction to other girls. So I don't really know what I'm "classified" as I guess.

I've had a huge ass crush on Alex since I've laid eyes on him, and helping him with his PT lessons have been a huge plus. I never really planned on kissing him, that really did happen in the heat of the moment, but I'm glad it did, because neither of us pulled away. So he had to have felt something am I right?

By the looks of it he's definitely well, uh, feeling something. We reach the locker rooms and I can already feel the awkward tension. What can I even say to break the silence? Maybe if I just pretend I don't know about it then he'll think I don't.

"You're totally progressing man" I say to break the silence. I'm just gonna act like nothing happened. "Oh, yeah I guess" he mutters back. "You okay? Still sad about what happened with uh, Jess?" I say to try and act like if I genuinely don't know what's really going on.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'll get over it though." He says as his face slightly untenses. He's probably fooled into thinking I don't know. Good. I can't have stuff be so awkward between us, not when I'm trying to get closer to him. God, I sound like a weirdo.

"Did you see Jess at school today?" I say as I open my locker and grab my water bottle. "Nah, she probably skipped today because of me." He says as he sighs and reaches into his bag to get his change of clothes, he then gets up to go change, in the shower sadly.

"I wouldn't think too much on it man, I mean shes the one that screwed up, not you." I say, afterwards drinking some water. "Yeah, true I guess." He says from the other side of the curtain.

I grab my change of clothes and decide to just change right there, I mean hes in the showers anyways so it's whatever. I strip naked and go to grab my shirt first, then pull it on. Then I hear the curtain open from Alex's shower. Damn, he changed pretty quick.

"Oh shit, ah, sorry." He says in a panic as he goes back into the shower and pulls the shower curtain closed. I laugh and don't say anything. Did he just see my complete lower half completely nude? Yeah. Do I have anything wrong with that? Nah, not really.

"You can come out now sticks" I say and laugh after I put all my clothes on. He comes out and gives a small laugh too, stuffing his "swim suit", if you can even call it that, into his bag along with his water bottle. "Ready to head out?" He says as he picks up his bag and slings it around his shoulder.

"Yes mam." I say as I grab my bag. He rolls his eyes, probably at the "mam" comment and I laugh. "Alright, lead the way sir." he jokes back and I smile as we both head out of the locker room.


hi im so sorry for the really short chapter, i'm honestly in a really sad mood right now and feel like i'm not in the best state to write so much at the moment but next chapter will be way way longer & i've already planned it out :) have a good day loves

oh and p.s thank you for a reader that commented on the fact that Tyler was sexually assaulted, not harassed. my mistake <3

oh and p.p.s there will def be more chapters with zach's pov hehee

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