Dream? Or not?

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I wake up and still see my legs. I look down and see the necklace. It was real, I actually turned into a mermaid. I get out of bed and go into the bathroom. I take off my clothes and put on school clothes. I go to the sink and brush my teeth. I spit out the extra toothpaste and put my mouth below the faucet to get some water to wash the extra toothpaste that stocked to my mouth. Water gets on my cheek, but I don't think much of it. Immediately I feel my self turn into water again. I look into the mirror and see my mermaid self again. I groan as I then fall into the floor. I put a bunch of towels on me and start drying myself. Ok, so, when I touch water, I turn into a mermaid, and when I'm dry, i turn back into my normal self! Yeah, that's not going to be hard to keep a secret. And I have to keep it a secret, from everyone, if there's anything Tv says that is true, is that if you're too different, like for example, being a mermaid, they'll dissect you and lock you up. I sigh as I finally change back into my human self. I look down at the necklace. Still here, and glowing. I get up as I hear my mother call me downstairs, great! I woke up half an hour early to be early to school, and now I'm going to be late because I wasted half an hour drying off . I get up and run downstairs.

I managed to eat some breakfast and still make it on time to school with five minutes to spare, thanks to Jon giving me a ride. I walked into school. People started staring at me, they all went quiet as they did. I was panicking, did I have half a tail or something? Do I have scales on me?! Oh my god! They know I'm a mermaid! Then, Holly, one of the girls that desperately wants to be popular but Isn't, comes up to me. "Ohhh! Where did you get that necklace?!" She asks. I look down and see that the necklace was glowing.
     "Oh, uh, it's an air loom," I lie.
     "It's so pretty!" Kate says.
     "Omg! Did you put Aloe Vera on your skin? It looks so soft!" Another girl asks.
      "What conditioner did you use? Your hair looks amazing!" Another one asks.
       "Did you eat something different? You look so skinny?"
        "Oh please!" Someone suddenly says as she walks through the crowd. It was kaelie and her friends. Aline, Gloria and a girl I have never seen before, a girl with brown eyes and black hair who glared at me coldly. "She probably had a surgery in Chile, it's cheeper you know?" Kaelie says. All the girls then looked at me in disgust and slowly walked away.
       "I did not have a surgery!" I say annoyed. I did grow a tail though....
        "Oh please! No one Can change that much in three months!" Kaelie says. Yeah well, I changed a lot in one day. I sigh and start walking to my first class.

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