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It was the next day and I checked my phone when I woke up and had a missed call from a number I didn't recognize. So being "adventurous" I called the number to see who it was. I was so happy when Devante answered and said "Hello? Is this the female from the hotline last night?" It was so adorable. I said in my sexy morning raspy voice " Yes it is. Hey Devante, what's up?" I can tell he heard the difference in my voice from last night because he said " Are you okay? You sound raspy... But I don't mind it." I told him " I'm fine, I just woke up. So you like my voice huh?" Devante said "Yeah I do. But the reason I called was to ask if you were busy. I was hoping you weren't because I really wanted to spend time with you" I damn near cried when he said that " I was of course I'm not busy! What time do you wanna hang?" Devante said with a shitload of excitement in his voice " Is 1 okay??" I said giggling like a school girl "Of course." I can tell he was happy when he said" ALRIGHT! I mean *clears throat* Alright cool see you in a few." I laughed and said " Okay. Bye Vante. He said " Bye Baby Girl." Then Hung Up. BITCH I WAS ECSTATIC. I hopped up out my comfy ass bed and started playing music to go wake Niyah up. I screamed the top of my lungs " ANNIYAH WAKE THE HELL UP!" She woke and said " THE FUCK?! IS THERE A FIRE?" I died laughing I swear this is why we are best friends. I said " No,there isn't but I got newss." while trying to catch my breath from laughing. She rolled her eyes and said " Hurry up and spit it out you dick nugget." I said " Alright damn. So guess who called me this morning?" She asked " Whoooo? WHOO????" I told her squealing loud as fuck " DEVANTE BITCH AND WE GON HANG OUT AT 1! OWWWWW." She said just as excited as me " YES SIS GETCHO MANS! I SEE YOU!!" but then she looked at the time and said " bitch. IT'S 11:30 YOU BETTA GET UP IN THAT SHOWER." I said as I was going to gather my clothes so I can ready " YOU RIGHT AS HELL, YOU RIGHT AS HELL. I NEED TIME TO GET MY LIL FRO LOOKIN CUTE AND SHIT. LEMME GET IN."
30 Mins Later
"NIYAH HELP ME! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR." I yelled when I got out. Niyah rushed up stairs damn near falling again. What a klutz. " I'M HERE AND I HAVE THE PERFECT OUTFIT FOR YOU. WEAR YOUR HOT SAUCE CROPTOP, THOSE BOOTY SHAPING JEANS AND THE GRAY, PINK AND TEAL HUARACHES." I grabbed what she told me to and I must say it was a cute outfit. I put it on and looked in the mirror and said " Who's that fine bitch starin back at me. OH WAIT HAHA. That's me ;)" Alright I gotta do my hair. I unbraided the shitty lookin cornrows I did last night and did my jazz with my curl products. I was lookin like a whole snack. I grabbed my watermelon purse and threw some money, my charger, headphones and lipgloss in there and before I knew Devante knocked on my door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. He looked me up and down and licked his lips and said "Damn, you look really good." I looked down and blushed so he wouldn't notice. Niyah crazy ass comes out from the background and says "Do somethin cute so I can take a picture!" I whisper to Devante shyly "Can I get on your back for the pic?" He said "Sure! Why you so nervous mama?" I said "Look at you how could I not be?" and I proceeded to get on his back. He had to get on the floor because I'm 5'1 and this fine ass nigga 6'4. I hopped on his back and he stood up. It like I was 20ft off the ground. He whispered in my ear " Jojo look like a burnt chicken nugget." I laughed so hard I started slipping but he lifted me back up and he was laughing too then Niyah took the pic and said "Awww ya'll too fuckin cute. Ight I'll let ya'll go. HAVE HER BACK BY 11. Nah I'm just kidding, take care of her though." Devante laughed and said "Ight, I'll make sure she's back in one piece. She might not be able to walk though." He winked at me as he said it. Niyah and I had the same shocked expression and then she mouthed to me " Get that dick sis!" I rolled my eyes at her and said "BYE NIYAH."
Devante walked me to the car and said "Today is adventure day."

Jodecidal Hotline(D.SWING) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now