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I had woke up kinda early about 8:45 and Devante was still asleep so I decided to shower. He must have woke up not too long after me. I was in the shower singing my heart out. *SWITCHING TO DEVANTES POV*
I woke up at about 9:10 and boyyy I had to pee so bad. I walked to the bathroom with my phone in hand. Outside the door I heard singing and I thought it was her music. When I opened the door, I found to be it was actually her singing. I had to record it, she sounded BEAUTIFUL. I posted her singing to my snap story. She is really an angel sent from above. I was washing my hands then she peeked out the shower curtain and said "What the hell? Oh morning Vante." She just looked so effortlessly cute. It was amazing just the way she peeked out, her hair was in these cute curls(I could tell she just washed her hair), water droplets on her face and eyelashes. She looked like a work of art. I finally responded to her and said "Morning. Whatchu wanna do today?" She said " I don't really know. I feel like staying in the house today." *SWITCHING TO AVI'S POV*
Today I felt real lazy, I just wanted to stay in. I washed my hair and before I washed my face, I heard the sink water running so I peeked out through the curtain and said "What the hell?" But then I saw Devante and said " Oh, morning Vante." He responded in thd cutest, sleepiest voice ever "Morning. Whatchu wanna do today?"I told him still peeking through the curtain "I don't really know. I kinda feel like staying in the house today." He responded "Fine by me. Ima take a shower when you get out." I was almost done so it obviously didn't take long for me to get out. I said to him " I'm about to get out so if you wanna stay in here and talk that's fine." He said " Ight." So we talked for about 5 minutes. I asked "Can you pass me my towel?" He passed me my neon blue towel. I turned around so he could undress himself and get in the shower. I asked "Can I turn around now?" He said "Yeah. So whatchu wanna do inside today?" I thought about it for a lil and then said "Watch movies, eat snacks, cuddle up-*clears throat* I mean only if you want to." He could tell I was embarrassed. He laughed and then told me reassuringly " We can cuddle if that's what you wanna do." He showered pretty fast and we got dressed. I swear I've never felt more at peace then today. He went to the bathroom and got dressed and I was in my room and changed. We walked out at the same time and just stopped and stared at each other. We both said " You look like m-. Are we ma-. I'm perplexed." And then we just laughed. Niyah came from the bonus room to go downstairs and she saw us and said " Did ya'll plan that?" Me and Devante looked at each other and said "nope." I said to Niyah " I was downstairs using Dalvin's phone to talk you when Devante was upstairs getting his stuff. I guess we just cute like that." I wrapped my arm around his waist and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I looked up at him and smiled. Of course Niyah had to take a picture because we looked "so cute." I swear this girl loves taking pictures of him and I. He picked me up and kissed me and naturally I wrapped my arms around his neck. It was a fun kiss, VERY enjoyable. So after we walked downstairs and I grabbed some snacks, drinks and a gigantic blanket. Devante grabbed the blanket and helped me over to the couch and I put the snacks on the table and pulled the table close to the couch. Devante put the blanket on the couch, grabbed the remote and flopped on the couch. I flopped next to him and we wrapped the blanket around us. We watched a funny ass movie. I was crackin the fuck up. I had the best day. I ended up falling asleep again but he didn't mind.
*2 hours later*
I woke up and It was about lunch time and Devante looked at me and said " Hey princess. You had a nice nap?" I sat up and nodded my head still half asleep. I was rubbin my eyes and he was just laughing. Bitch I was so thirsty but I couldn't keep my eyes open. I pointed to the cool blue gatorade and he grabbed it and said "This one?" And I nodded my head yes. He asked "Need me to open it?" I nodded again. He passed it to me and I drank it so fast. His jaw dropped at how fast I drank it. I burped like a nigga after. We just started laughing. I love when he laughs. I looked at the time and saw it was 12:15pm. I know my ass was hungry and wanted some pizza. I turned and asked him " You want me to order some pizza? If so what kind?" I had a lil authority in my voice because I was hungry as fuck. He said "Margarita pizza. Large Pie." I paused as I was typing the number in my phone and said " On me that's my favorite fucking pizza." He said " You lyin." I said "Hell nah nigga, any chance I have to get pizza that's what I order." We high fived each other like little children then I giggled. I called the pizza place and order 2 large pies. When the delivery guy rang the door.. I ran off the couch forgetting I had socks on and almost bust my ass. I grabbed both pies. They was hot as fuck but ian care. I brought them over to where we were sitting. That shit was so good. I felt good after eating. I bumped some music and started being wild. I proped myself up against the wall and started twerking. Devante goofy ass ran upstairs and grabbed some money then ran down and started throwing it on me. I lost balance and fell from laughing. I was just sitting on the floor cryin laughing.
Best day ever.

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