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As soon as Devante started driving Niyah calls me. I was boutta smack this bitch through phone. I pick up say " Hello? Helloooooo?! NIYAH!" and she gon say " I'm hungry." This bitch. I told her " Well make something to eat you know I'm hanging out with Devante." I see him smile at me out the corner of my eye. Niyah says " I can't cook." I took the phone off my ear and just stared at it like What in the actual fuck. I put the phone back on my ear and ask Niyah " You deadass?" As I said that Devante asked " You good avi? Need me to pull over at the gas station?" I nodded. He pulls over and I'm still on the phone damn near arguin with Niyah, not knowing Devante pulls out his phone and starts recording me and Niyah for his snap story. He was crackin up. This nutcase of a female gon ask me "Can you come home and cook? Ima starve to death if you don't." I roll my eyes and say " FINE ANNIYAH. LORDT! We coming now." I hung up pretty pissed. He asked after he stopped recording " You sure you okay? Need me to drop you off?" I turned to him and said " You're gonna come with me. You wanna stay the night?" He said with hella excitement in his voice " Sure! You wanna change first? It's late and you probably real uncomfortable now. You been in them clothes for hours." I don't know what I did to deserve this man. He is so caring and thoughtful. I thought to myself " I love this man. Damn I'm whipped." After I stopped day-dreaming I nodded and he headed back over to my house. I told him I'd be quick so he sat in the car. I ran in the house, ran up stairs, changed into some shorts, a tank top and thigh high socks, grabbed my bonnet and left again. Almost forgot to put on my slides. I ran back to his car and he looked at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the world when I knew I looked like a broke stripper. As he was lookin at me he said "Damn girl you look good." as he bit his bottom lip. I blushed and said "Boy you know good and well I look like a broke stripper." I giggled as I said that. I adjusted my self and sat criss-cross and started braidin my hair into some shitty-decent cornrows and slapped my bonnet on my head. Can't even lie, I kinda looked like a snack. We finally arrived at his house and I walked in to see Dalvin on the phone with someone so me being nosy I ask him " Who you on the phone with Dalvinnn?" He sounds annoyed but he says " Niyah why?" I hear Niyah from his phone sayin " HEY BITCH. Wait why ain't you here cookin me some food??" I told her " Devante is stayin over so I came with him to get his stuff." K-Ci, Jojo, Niyah and Dalvin ask at the same time " Devante is staying over?!?!" I said so confused " Yeah why?" And Dalvin told me " You are the first girl's house he has ever been to." I felt so special. Before I knew it he had walked downstairs with his Nike bag that had all his stuff. He had changed into some basketball shorts and a hoodie which I soon found out that he was shirtless under there which...I did not mind AT ALL. He asks me if I'm ready to go and I nod. I said bye to everyone then text Niyah we on our way back. She texted me back "FINALLY DAMN IM FUCKING STARVING." I was finna say " Keep actin like that ima let ya ass starve." But thats my bestie so I'd do anything for her. We get to my house and I grabbed his bag for him because he's done so much for me already. He told me " It's okay baby, you don't have to do that" he said while grabbing my shoulder" I said "You've already done so much for me, let me do this for you." I can tell he really cared for me because he really didn't want me to do it but I insisted. I always get my way. So we walked in and Niyah gave me the biggest hug for no reason. So anyway I brought Devante's stuff upstairs and came back downstairs and started cooking.
45 minutes later
I yelled at the top of my lungs " DINNER IS READY!!!!!" They came runnin like zombies was chasin they asses. I gave Devante the most food because that nigga be eatin. Niyah was so fuckin happy when I gave her food. When I say this nigga vaccuumred his food! He came back for seconds before I could even finish my lil bowl of mac and cheese. I swear he's like a child wanting more birthday cake. It's so adorable. After we finish eating I put away the leftovers and cleaned the dishes. I made the kitchen all clean and nice just because I wanted it to be tidy before we went to bed. Niyah whispered to Devante " You needa wife her up. I've known her my whole life, she's amazing and I bet you can tell. I just don't want nothing bad to happen to her." Devante told Niyah " Yeah I can tell she's amazing. I would never let anything or do anything bad to her." Niyah said " Awwww that's so cute. Ya'll are my favorite" She chuckled. After I finished cleaning I said kinda raspy because I was tired " Ima head upstairs because I'm boutta pass out." I had a hard time walking upstairs and Devante came and ran behind to help me walk because I almost fell. When we got to my room, he layed me down on the bed then took off his hoodie. His back muscles were amazing then he turned around and asked "Is it okay if I sleep shirtless?" Me in my sleepy daze says "Shittttt, you can sleep naked." I caught what I said then I apologized. He just laughed and got in the bed. I was falling asleep then I popped up and kissed him. He unexpectedly kissed back. It was a passionate kiss and then I fell asleep on his chest.
I really love this man.

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