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"FUCK I NEED TO FIND A DRESS FOR GRADUATION. WHAT THE FUCK." I needed to get a damn dress for graduation and it was tomorrow. Last minute I know, but life has been really crazy. Every time anyone of us steps out to the store or anywhere fans crowding us left and right. I don't understand why Niyah and I are famous. I guess by association. I was really thinkin about what De said about doing something with the fame I have. I need to stop drifing  my mind to other things and wash my ass.
15 Mins Later
That was a nice ass shower. Dayum that was the best shower I've ever had. LOOK AT ME FUCKIN DRIFTIN OFF TO NOWHERE. Ugh I need to shop.
Avi's Outfit:

I looked in the mirror and fixed up my edges and I came to the conclusion that I was lookin like a SNACC

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I looked in the mirror and fixed up my edges and I came to the conclusion that I was lookin like a SNACC. Devante walked in the room lookin all scrumptious and shit. He said while kissing me "Where you goin baby?"
I smiled and said "I'm going graduation shopping. I need atleast 4 outfits." Devante looked at me like I had 7 heads. "4 outfits? Aviana what?" I was shook that he said my government. "What? They gon make us change anyways. Plussss I wanted to go out to dinner tommorrow tonight and maybe go to a party." He just glared at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. I swear he is so mf fine it's not fairr.
Devante: "Aviana, 4 outfits though? That's extra."
Avi: "But I wanna be extraaa."
He plopped on my bed and just kept glaring at me. I started pouting and got a fake attitude then started walking out.
Devante: "Princess come here and stop bein a crybaby."
Avi: *smirks* Okayyyy
In my head: Heheheh my plan worked.

Look I knowww this is was an incredibly short chapter but the next few chapters are gon have some SHIT in em, ya know what im sayin? So be prepared. I'm givin ya'll a warnin. Hold ya wigs, edges, bonnets, brows, allat.
Goodbye thottiess-baby.jodeci☺️

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