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I was so shocked. But of course I said Yes. Then Dalvin yells out " FUCK! This smooth nigga always beatin me to something." Niyah looked at Dalvin and said " Huh?" Dalvin sighed and said "Me asking you to move in was one of the surprises." Niyah's eyes wided and she said " REALLY??!!!?" Then engulfed Dalvin in a hug which he wasn't expecting. She let go and then said " Baby wherever my bestie goes I go. Of course I wanna move in." Dalvin smiled. It was great to see that we were all happy." After I finally got off of Devante he put the ring on my finger and gave me the key. I felt like I was on cloud nine. I said fuck my clothes for today, I wanted to stay the night. I gave Niyah my phone and told her to take pics and videos of my ring. It was so surreal. Devante was really mine now :). Today was better than my muthafuckin birthday.

Bitch I woke up sweatin. I forgot I slept with his sweatshirt on. Niyah slept over too so I went to wake her up so we can go get our stuff. She told me " You think we packin our shit all by our selves? TUH! You betta wake ya man up before I do." Ahhh just the thought of him being my man was amazing. I said "Ight, go wake up Dalvin" She ran and said " Okayy!!" I laughed and went back into Devante and I's room and just started kissing all over him, he started smiling. Then he kissed me back. I smacked his face lightly and said " Get up and meet me, Niyah and Dalvin in the car." He complied. I ran downstairs and got in the car, waited for the losers to get in. When Devante came to the car I said " Get in loser, we're going packing( MEAN GIRLS REFERENCE JUST A LIL WORD CHANGE)" He chuckled and got in.

15 Minutes Later
We finally arrived to Niyah and I's soon to be old house. We packed for hours. I took like 10 breaks because my little arms couldn't handle all this work. At around 7pm we were almost done. Throughout the process, Devante had to lift me up to reach the stuff I couldn't reach on my own. It was cute. Before I packed all my clothes I took a shower and when I got out put on some leggings and an oversized shirt. We packed up the car then went home. HOME. Home wasn't where Niyah and I referred to before, that was just a house. With my best friend and my boyfriend, it felt like home. I was exhausted, I don't know why because Devante helped me with most of my work. Then I got my second wind and had the sudden urge to got to walmart and buy a shit-ton of junk food. I don't know why but everyone wanted to come.
We each grab 2 shopping carts(there are six of us),then I assign each us to an isle like it was a mission "As soon as I assign your isle go! Devante, You get all the drinks." Devante nodded then went.
" Niyah, Ice cream and pastries and shit like that." SHE RAN. "Dalvin, junk food in general like hot pockets." He nodded then left " Kci, CEREAL. Jojo, FRUIT SNACKS WITH KCI." They nodded and I got my favorite Isle... CANDY AND CHIPS. I got us on a group phone call to let everyone know to clear out the isles.
45 Minutes Later
We met up at the registers, everyone's cart was full. I saw this lady stand behind me in line. I don't know if she was blind or just wanted to wait but 12 FUCKING CARTS WERE FULL. I guess she really wanted to wait.
We all were done scanning the stuff at about the same time. By time we got home it was about 10 and we finished bringing the stuff in the house. I changed into some volleyball shorts, put my bonnet on and started putting the stuff away. I WAS HAPPY AS FUCK WHEN I FOUND THE LOLIPOPS, so I popped one in my mouth. I asked everyone if they wanted one and Niyah responded " Toss me one hoe!" I did as she told. As I was putting the food away I dropped a bag I was supposed to put in the freezer so, I bent down on the chair and started picking up the stuff in the bag. *SWITCHING TO DEVANTE'S POV* I heard Avi yell " Fuck!" and then sigh when I was sitting on the couch. I looked over to see what happened and then I look over to see her bent over the chair. I tapped Niyah and said "Look at Avi.You know what I'm thinkin?" She looked over at her and said " Do it." I got up and ran over to her and humped her. The face she made was so funny.

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