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Devante stayed over again which was fine, I don't mind his company. Niyah texted me " I feel like going to the mall." I texted back " I do too. You should text Dalvin and see if he wants to come. ;)" Niyah texted back " I'm shy." When she texted that back I got out of the bed and walked to her room and said "Since when has your ass been shy. YOU WAS ON THE PHONE WITH HIM LAST NIGHT." She said to me " That was different." I said " Bitch what?" I grabbed her phone out her hand and she said " HEY! IMA SMACK THE LIVING SHIT OUTTA YOU."  I yelled " I'M DOING THIS FOR YOU." As I ran downstairs, I called Dalvin and told him Niyah wanted him to go to the mall with us. SHE DAMN NEAR KILLED ME. It was worth it because he was excited. I ran back upstairs and woke up Devante and asked him if he wanted to come with us and he said " Of course I do princess." I absolutely love it when he calls me princess. Anyways, I got up and got in the shower as did Anniyah and Devante. Bummy day part 2 but we looked cute. Niyah and I were matching and somehow Dalvin and Devante were too. After we all got ready I threw on my gold hoops and my favorite sneakers and Niyah threw on her silver hoops and her slides. We got into his car and went to pick up Dalvin. We looked so good I had to ask Jojo to take a picture of us 4. Each guy with his girl. After we got Dalvin we headed to the mall. It was good till this bitch named Reese approached us and that shit caught me off guard. I was walking then Niyah tapped me when she stopped and held Dalvin back with her other arm. I held Devante back so he could stop walking. I looked and Niyah and she looked back and we both said "Not this hoe again." And I took a deep breath, rolled my eyes and crossed my arms then asked her " What do you want? It's not highschool anymore and you still on your bullshit." She laughs and then punches me in the left cheek close to my eye. I fell back when she hit but obviously I got back up, took my hoops off and handed them to Devante. Niyah did the same and handed them Dalvin. I Reese before I was boutta punch her in her throat " You got anything else to say before I knock ya ass out?!" I looked over to security and he winked at me letting me know I could sock this hoe. I knew all security guards in the mall so they let me do pretty much whatever. Niyah whispers to me " Catch her when she ain't payin attention. I'll distract her." I did the most evil smirk then nodded. The boys knew some shit was boutta go down but Devante was in a daze after he saw me get hit. So Niyah says to Reese " How was it getting a train ran on you by the football team in 9th?" She giggled after said that and as Reese was preparing her comeback, I punched her in the nose. Once she was on the floor I let Niyah get a couple good hits on her then Dalvin grabbed her wrists and pulled her back. I was punching the shit outta Reese as Dalvin tried to stop Niyah from hopping in again. He eventually grabbed her waist and pulled her in close and that calmed her down. He had to snap Devante out of his daze so he could get me off of her. He did grab me but I was fighting back like a muthafucka. He had me up against a wall trying to calm me down. Then he noticed a bruise where she punched me. Not gonna lie, that shit hurt but other than that she just ripped my shirt exposing my sports bra. He asked if I was okay and I didn't want him to know that my face was hurting because I didn't want him to worry. He knew I was hurting because eveytime I said something I winced slighty. He had to buy me a new shirt because this catty bitch ripped up the one I was wearing. He ran to the closest store and bought me a cute tank top and then stood in front of me as I put the tank on. I put my hoops back in then as she walked back up to me I asked "You want some more cuz I'm FAR from done." I took a picture of her face then posted it to twitter, snapchat, and instagram because I rocked her shit. Her face looked WAY worse than mine. I kicked her down before we walked off. Niyah said to Dalvin " You not finna ask me if I'm okay? -.- TUH!" Dalvin asked her she was okay she was so sassy " I wish I was good. She clawed my face and neck." Dalvin and Niyah stopped while he checked her face and then lifted up her chin to examine her neck. Devante and I went to get some ice cream while they was doin they thing. *SWITCHING TO NIYAH'S POV*
Dalvin was looking at my face and then he lifted up my chin to look at the marks on my neck. After he let go he winked at me and said " I'll take care of that when we get home." I was shook. I was excited to see what was in store when we got home. *SWITCHING TO DEVANTE'S POV*
I took out my phone while Avi was eating her ice cream and looking around. She looked adorable and I had to take a picture. I can't wait till we get home.
She's gonna be all mine.

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