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2 Days Before Graduation
"NIYAH I NEED HELP PICKING OUT MY OUTFIT FOR TODAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY." I yelled out my door forgetting Vante was asleep. He groaned "Aviiii lower your voice. A nigga tryna sleep." Ight look that damn sleep voice was sexy as hell but he needed to wake the hell up because we had shopping to and cleaning to do after school and he was picking Niyah and I up. I smacked his stomach and said "Wake the hell up you big baby. A bitch tryna get ready and we have stuff to do." Niyah finally screamed back "BITCH GETCHA SHIT TOGETHER I HAVE TO GET READY. And get this GROWN ASS MAN READY." Fuck. UGHHHH. The Degrates I swear, ole heavy ass, big ass muthafuckin babies. Devante wasn't gettin out the damn bed so I had shake this dude like it was an earthquake. HE STILL DIDN'T GET UP. The hell? How hard of a sleeper is he? Gahhhhh damn. I was like fuck it and I ran to the shower.
15 minutes later
At this point Ian care if I was late to school, I just needed to look cute. I walked back to my room and found me a lil cute outfit.
Avi's Outfit:

I did a 360 spin in my full length mirror and said "Dayummmm Ma! You lookin good bitch

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I did a 360 spin in my full length mirror and said "Dayummmm Ma! You lookin good bitch.🤪" After I got dressed, I managed to get Vante up....He wasn't the only one up if you know what I mean. I had to focus on the fact that he needed to shower and get dressed. We were gonna be late but I really don't care. I looked down for a good minute and then snapped out of it. I told him "Getcho cute ass up and shower. Ian gon tell you again." He rolled his eyes then walked to the bathroom and said "Okay Ma." I swear he get on my last nerve but I love him. OOP. I said that but in my head. The lord loves me. I'm scared to say I love him because what if he doesn't feel the same or just doesn't say I love you? STOP OVERTHINKING BITCH. FUCK I FORGOT TO SEE WHAT NIYAH WAS WEARING. I RAN TO HER ROOM TO SEE WHAT SHE WAS WEARING.
Niyah's Outfit:

MY BITCH WAS LOOKIN CUTE!!! She was in there struggling to get Dalvin dressed

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MY BITCH WAS LOOKIN CUTE!!! She was in there struggling to get Dalvin dressed. I was debating on if I should help her or not. Ehhhh I had my own Degrate on my hands. By this time it was already 8:30 and we weren't completely ready.
20 mins later
We were all finally ready and walked out the house at 8:50. I plopped my ass in the passanger seat and waited for De to get into the car so he could drive us to school.
At school
We pull up to school at about 9:20 and then I get a call from the principal once we step out the car.
Phone Call Between Avi and The Principal
Avi: Hello? Principal B?
Principal B: Hello? Yes, Hi there Aviana. Are you at school yet?
Avi: *cringes at him calling me by my full first name* Uh...Yeah, Anniyah and I just pulled up. Why?
Principal B: Ya'll need to go home. Apparently word got out that ya'll are living with and dating members of Jodeci so you would be considered famous. There are a group of fans waiting for you all outside. I suggest you leave immediately.
*screamin and knocking on car windows* BITCH OPEN THE FUCKING DOORS WE HAVE PEOPLE ON OUR ASSES. Sorry Principal B, they on us already. Thanks for the warning.
Principal B: No problem. Good luck! And can you ask K- *beep beep beep* I guess not.
I was pounding on the damn window. Them big ass ears Devante got and he ain't hear me till I started yelling "OPEN THE FUCK UP." He finally turnt his head and unlocked the door. I slid in that bitch faster than a nigga puts on a condom. (A/N skskskks I don't even know where that came from)
I yelled "DRIVE MUTHAFUCKA! I KNOW YOU SEE ALL THEM DAMN PEOPLE." He zoomed off. As we were driving he asked "What happened why ya'll ain't goin to school?" I took a deep breath and said "We got a call from the principal sayin word got out Niyah and I are dating you and Dalvin so I guess we're 'famous'. Shit crazy I know. He was gon ask me to ask K-ci somethin but I hung up quicker than the speed of light." He laughed and said "Well damn. I guess ya'll really are celebrities now. So uh, whatchu gon do with the fame?" I shrugged my shoulders. To be completely honest I really didn't know what I was gonna do with the fame. I kinda want a reality tv show, kinda wanna be a model. Being a model though would be hard just because of my figure and the fact I'm not a blonde, white girl. "I'll prolly be a model for fashion nova or some shit. Can't be a real one cuz I'm far from a skinny, blonde, white girl.🤷🏾‍♀️" Niyah said countering my response "Bitch don't you wanna have funt with it? Do wild shit?" I chuckled "We do wild shit everyday. MAYBE WE SHOULD HAVE A TV SHOW." Dalvin added his 2 cents and said "That doesn't sound bad. It actually sounds really fun." I mean he wasn't wrong it does sound really funy but where in the hell would we find a network that wants to us to have a show on there. Ugh too much thinking. " I wanna go home and sleep but then I wanna show off my outfit. Lawd have mercy life is hard."

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