back to school :(

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I was rudely awoken by my alarm and I groaned "Fuck my whole entire life. I forgot about school. shit." I rolled out of bed and fell on the floor. I hate life with a passion. Butt it's exam week so that means one more week closer to school ending. It's school though and I thought I was prepared but I wasn't. I went to go wake Niyah up but to my surprise she was already in the shower. I dragged myself to the other bathroom to shower and make myself look decent. I guess I looked kinda cute.
Avi's Outfit:

I threw my hair back in a bun and threw on my slides as I waited for Niyah

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I threw my hair back in a bun and threw on my slides as I waited for Niyah. While I waited I ate some chips. I wish you would come for me for eatin chips at 6:30 in the morning. Niyah threw herself together nicely. I don't know how she did it. I felt like shit.
Niyah's Outfit:

She walked downstairs and I said "Yess ma'am

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She walked downstairs and I said "Yess ma'am. Ion know how you did it but you look bomb." She flipped her puffs and said "Thank you sis. Are we drivin or gettin dropped off?" Ian tryna drive so I stopped eatin my chips and "ran" upstairs and woke both the Degrates up so they could take us to school. They dragged they asses downstairs, grabbed the keys and we all got in the car.
At School
I stepped one foot into this fuck ass school and these ugly ass twins stepped in front of me and said " You look like a garbage can threw you up." I rolled cuz I was not in the mood for it and said "Listen here you Claremont twins ass bitches, I'm just trying to test and go. Now kindly get the fuck out my way." Niyah was shook because I said that shit with a straight face. Them stank hoes were pissed but I was unbothered, I deadass came to take my exams then have Devante pick me up when I'm done. Niyah and I had separate testing rooms so I said bye before I walked in. Exams are deadass hell on my mama.
2 hours later
I turned in my test then texted Vante:
Babygirl♥️💍: Hey vante can you pick me up? I'm done with my test.
Big Zaddy D🤪🤤🤰🏾♥️: Yeah Ight. I'm on my way. I'll text you when I'm outside
Babygirl♥️💍: Ight thank youuu😘
Big Zaddy D🤪🤤🤰🏾♥️:  No problem babygirl😘
This why I love him, he does anything for me and I'm so grateful. Don't mind the name in my phone...That's not ya'll business. Anyways, I was hoping Niyah would get done soon but we had different tests today. She had math and I had civics, obviously civics is easier than math.
1 hour later
Vante had picked me up and we went to get some food. I must have looked pissed off because he asked me what was wrong. When I say I went on a rant? BITCH. I took a deep breath and said "As soon as I walked into that fuck as school these Claremont lookin twins just had to piss me off and comment on how I looked. You know me and you know ion take that shit. Sis I ended them. I told the-." He cut me off and said "I'm sorry for cuttin you off but when you call me sis this is how I feel."

He pulled out his phone and showed me that pic and I was crackin up

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He pulled out his phone and showed me that pic and I was crackin up. This nigga is goofy and fuckin corny I swear. At that point I wasn't even mad no more, he really knows how to cheer me up just by bein himself. I said in my head "Oh Donald, you make my girlhood tremble." (A/N issa inside joke with my best friend😭) We stopped at Chik-fil-a and my fatass ordered 2- 12 ct chicken nuggets, a large fry and a large sprite. As you see I like it large 🤪😏. ANYWAYS, we got home and I was beyond exhausted. I flopped on the couch after I put my food on the table. It was just Devante and I in the house...Man he was lookin scrumptious. He was a meal and I was starving. You see I thought I said that to myself but I blurted that shit outtt. Oops. Vante was in the kitchen and without picking his head up he said "Oh it's like that? Ha, I see you baby." Y I K E S, Idk if my body can handle Degrate dick. We ain't fuck yet but when he be huggin me from behind that print be bout big as hell. It be feelin like he got a damn glock in his shit. TUH. My lil body might not be able to handle that but I'm steady tryna wait till his birthday. If ya'll clown on me cuz I'm a virgin I'm killin ya'll. Nah jk, ya'll entertain me. ANYWAYS...back to my life and not my thoughts. I said to De all scared and shit "Ian even say nun. That wasn't even me that was my..." Damn my brain cell ain't working. I CAN'T THINK OF SHIT. Pisces is supposed to be good liars but right now I'm every other damn sign. Ugh fuck, think, think, think. I blurted out "THAT WAS MY KITTY CALLIN FOR YOU." DAMN WHY DID I HAVE TO SAY THAT. I MEAN IT'S TRUE BUT....Ima have to face the consequences. This nigga turned around and said "Really? Ya kitty callin me? I'm not even gon lie to you, My dick hard butttt we gon have this conversation about ya kitty another time." PHEW. That nigga voice man I swear. Just him talkin make me fuckin Niagra falls. On top of that him sayin his dick hard and talkin bout my kitty? My shit was THROBBING. I need some water. It's hot as hell in this house, you know what It's prolly just me from what the hell just happened but that's okay. I got off the couch and went to grab some water cuz, ha ya bitch is thirsty and not just for water😉. Woo I'm in the mood but I needa calm down. I was bein nosy to see what Boss Playa Catdaddy Devante was doin and my baby was up in there makin some fried chicken. Yes I just ate fried chicken but does that mean anything? Nope. Besides he was makinng it for himself, he didn't get anythig from Chik-fil-a. But that's besides the point, I was wondering where Niyah and Dal where but if I know Niyah I know she prolly gettin dicked down. I'm cute and Vante sexy.

Aye chapter overr. Weird ending, Don't ask. Anyways the next couple of chapters are gonna be birthday and holiday chapters so there is gonna be alot of month skipping. Be prepared for some tea bitches. Love ya'll♥️.

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