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I was thinking as I sat in Devante's car "What does he have in store for me? Whatever it is, I bet it's gonna be fun!" We pull up to a beautiful house and he says " First stop on our trip, My house." I stood there in awe. It looked so amazing then I jumped as he grabbed my hand and laughed. "Come on baby lets go inside." I nodded letting him know I complied. The inside was incredible. Devante told me as I was looking around "Make yourself comfy, we'll be here for about 10 minutes." I flopped on the couch and almost fell asleep but the crackheads that pranked me on the hotline popped out. K-CI bug eyed ass asks me the first couple of questions " How old are you? Are you intrested in Vante? Are you using him for fame? Are yo-?" "Ima stop you right there Mr. Bug first off, I'm 19, Yes i'm intrested him but I'm not no bum bitch who sleeps around nor am I a fame chasin hoe." I said shutting K-CI down real fuckin quick. Dalvin said to Jojo "I already like this girl. Devante might not be able to handle her." Devante walked downstairs as soon Dalvin said that and asked " Who can't I handle?" Dalvin said " Ya girl right here. She SNAPPED on K-Ci. Granted, he was badgerin her with questions." I said all sassy " Well Mr. Bug here should have got up in my face with all them questions." I said shaking my head flaling my arms all around. When I stood up they started laughing and I rolled my eyes then asked Vante if he was ready because these clowns irritatin. He laughed and said " Come on baby girl lets go." I let out a sigh of relief and said " Finally. I don't know how you handle them. I was gon spray some raid on K-Ci." Devante was laughing so hard he was crying. Just watching him laugh for some reason was so soothing. Just admiring him was nice. I had to snap back into reality but I was at peace and couldn't help it. His deep voice snapped me out of it when he called my name and I jumped. He asked " Are you okay? You zoned out on me." I said still in a daze " Sorry I was just admiring your amazing body and sexy face." He laughed when I said that and then I realized what I had said. I was so embarrassed I said to him" Shit. I didn't mean to say that out loud. I must sound like a weirdo. I'm so sor-." Devante cut me off and said " It's okay. You seem to apologize alot. I like it when you say what's on your mind... even if it's by accident." He winked at me after he said it. I bet he remembers when I almost called him zaddy on the phone last night. Ugh that was so embarrassing. If he brings it up I'm gonna blush like a mug. Devante started talking and one of the first words that came out of his mouth was " So you think I'm a "zaddy" huh?" I said to myself " Fuck my life." I said nervously " Uhhhhh m-maybe. I swear I can never keep shit in my head. I'm a mess." Devante looks me in my eyes and says " Baby girl ain't no need to be nervous or embarrassed. I like the way it sounds when you say it." HOW DOES HE MAKE ANY WORD SOUND SO BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY. I can't and the fact that he stared at me with those beautiful hazel eyes made it harder to resist. He interlocked his fingers with mine as we drove along. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. That was the best nap I've taken in a while. Devante woke me up when we got to our next stop. It was one of my favorite places... THE MALL! He told me that I had no limit and I could shop till I drop. I felt bad using all his money but he wanted me too. I followed his orders. I was in the mall for 4 hours. I was so happy. When we left the mall I gave him the biggest hug I possibly could. He picked me up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I damn near fainted. He walked me to the car. Well he walked I was in his arms and goddamn were the muscular. When we got there he placed me on the ground so gracefully that I felt like a princess. It was only 6:30 and he told me " We still have a lot of adventure to go." I was real excited.

I couldn't wait to see what was next.

Jodecidal Hotline(D.SWING) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now