Early Morning

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"Alright, Maggie, what color is this?" Marni teased as she held up an apple from the fridge.

"Red, Marni, red," Mag replied with an affectionate eyeroll as she sat at the kitchen table. "But I think everyone would know that because I told you I wanted an apple and that's everyone's default choice when asked to find something red!" she laughed.

"Oh, whatever," Marni pretended to pout before tossing the apple to Mag. Mag caught it easily and took a bite.

"Delicious!" she smiled. It was early morning and the two of them were making breakfast. Or rather, Marni was making breakfast. Mag had made it yesterday, so now it was Marni's turn.

"Well, how many seeds are there?" Marni asked next, raising her eyebrows challengingly.

"Marni, come on, you don't need eyes to count. If you can just feel the seeds, that's good enough!" Mag snickered.

"Ok, you know what? When I have a kid, I'll play with them instead of you, because Heaven knows they won't be as sassy!" Marni promised.

"As if you can keep your future children away from me," Mag laughed. "They'll love me far more than you!"

"Bet!" Marni challenged, playfully slamming her palm on the kitchen counter.

"Alright, go find Nathan," Mag accepted the challenge, jerking her thumb over her shoulder.

"What's up?" a new voice asked. Ah, speak of Devils and they do appear!

"Mag's trying to talk crap about your future children!" Marni accused the second Nathan stepped into the kitchen.

"That seems to happen a lot," Nathan replied, lips quirking as he kissed them both on his way in. "What was it this time?"

"She said that the kids would love her more than me!" Marni took on a dramatic expression.

"To be honest, she's probably right," Nathan replied. Marni's dramatic expression turned to one of outrage and Nathan laughed as he began backing up quickly, trying to evade the wrath of his feistier wife. It was early morning at the Wallace household and, already, their antics were starting up. Nathan's other wife, however, continued to sit at the kitchen table, laughing at the sight unfolding before her.

Being born blind and raised in an orphanage meant that life was seldom kind to Mag, and what little physical contact she did receive usually wasn't good. That wasn't to say her orphanage was bad or abusive, but it was severely understaffed, and with children and adults both dying left and right because of the organ failure, things were in a constant state of turmoil. Honestly, it was a surprise Mag hadn't joined the ranks of the dead yet. Even though her eyes had been the only problem, that still did put her at a severe disadvantage. And yet, she'd survived long to find Marni.

The two of them met in high school and Marni seemed one of the only people to not mind Mag's blindness. On the contrary, the only thing she ever said about it was that, someday, she would get Mag some working eyes. And somehow, she managed to keep that promise! And that was how they both met Nathan, the man who'd operated on Mag. The attraction between all three was fast, strong and mutual.

Six months after the operation, the three entered a polyamorous relationship, and they'd been a happy trio ever since.

"I've got two hands, so why not fill em both?" Marni joked as she held Mag's hand in her left and Nathan's in her right. And that just about summed up their relationship. Even though Nathan and Mag had been a little uncertain in the beginning, Marni was able to help them see that a polyamorous relationship was feasible. And, for Mag in particular, Marni had reassured her that their relationship could be equal even if it wasn't always sexual, since Mag was strictly lesbian. So long as communication and consent were there, it could work! And as it turned out, Marni was totally right.

Mag had come to realize that she could be happy in a relationship with a man, despite being a lesbian. They would just keep it nonsexual. And Nathan was more than happy to agree to that. For Marni, though, it was romantic AND sexual, on both sides, just never at the same time. But just as Marni said, because communication and consent were there, it all managed to work itself out fairly well. Maybe in the beginning, things had been a little rocky, but by now, they definitely had it down pat. They were finally starting to talk about having children, after all.

"There are three of us, so we could have three of them," Marni suggested, half joking and half serious.

"The more the merrier, eh?" Nathan smiled, joining her at the fridge.

"You're just saying that because it means you get to spend more time in bed with Marni," Mag teased, winking at the other two.

"I am not!" Nathan was quick to protest and blush while Marni laughed.

"Don't be jealous, Maggie. Every night I spend with him, I'll spend one with you."

"Well, in that case, have as many kids as you want!" Mag laughed. By this time, Nathan had buried his face in his hands, flustered.

"Should we get started now, or...?" Marni asked teasingly, giving Nathan a look.

"Oh, please don't!" Now it was Mag's turn to cover her face. "I wish I was still blind!" she joked.

"Oh, shut up!" Marni playfully stuck her tongue out at her wife.

"Look, why don't we take it one step at a time and just have breakfast for now?" Nathan finally pleaded, interrupting his wives' flirting.

"Alright, honey," Marni murmured seductively. "What did you want to eat?"

"Bacon!" Nathan made his way to the stove. It may not have been his turn to cook, but if it got him away from the early morning advances...

Mag and Marni both began laughing while Nathan pretended to grumble as he pulled out a pan and some bacon. But after long enough, things finally settled into a peaceful rhythm.

"Oh! Was that the dress you wore to prom?" Mag asked, interested. Marni was showing her some old photos just to spoil her a little. Mag may have had her eyes for a while now, but there was still a lot left for her to look at and enjoy. And Marni, of course, wanted to tease it out bit by bit. That made it even more enjoyable, both for her and Mag!

"Yep, it was a little tight, but I think it still looks good," Marni sounded satisfied as she looked at the photos with Mag.

"More than that! It's so beautiful!" Mag continued to marvel.

Nathan, meanwhile, continued to listen to his wives talk and laugh while he made breakfast. This was the one advantage to an early morning, just getting to enjoy life as it was without having to worry about anyone or anything else. It was just the three of them, and to Nathan, that was more than enough.

AN: As you can see, this is just a Repo polyamory fic between Mag, Marni and Nathan because you can't tell me this wasn't at least a little canon. And the reference to Marni teaching Mag colors is a reference to another story I wrote entitled "Teacher" and filed under "Repo the Genetic Opera" fanfiction if you want to read that too (shameless plug, LOL).

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