Pride Fest

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"Even those guys came back?!" Beca shook her head in disbelief as the Tonehangers walked on by. A few of them tried to flash her smiles and finger-guns, but being as aged and ridiculous as they were, it came off as more annoying than anything.

"Well, the new Bellas did state that this Pride was open to any and all alums," Theo said as he and Beca made their way across campus. The first stop on their journey was to visit Beca's father. It was clear he still wished Beca had chosen a more reputable career, but because she was working a fairly decent job, he really had no more room to complain. Instead, he'd found it within himself to tell her that he was proud of her, and he didn't try bringing up her stepmom either. His parting gift was a small, rainbow bandana. It was a surprising gesture, but Beca had the grace to take it with a simple "thank you" before she and Theo headed back outside.

"Here," Beca shoved the bandana at Theo as soon as they were out of Beca's father's office.

"Wait, you don't want-?"

"Nah, I've got plenty of Pride stuff already." As much as she appreciated the gift, it still felt a little forced, so that was why she didn't want it.

"How do I look? Sexy?" he joked.

"Oh, yes, absolutely," Beca deadpanned and rolled her eyes, but they both knew she was amused. "You're just oozing sensuality and power."

"Hell yeah!" Theo smiled broadly.

He and Beca continued to walk through the crowded and rainbow-ridden campus. The sun was high and warm, and the sky was cloudless.

"So, when are your other Bellas going to arrive?" Theo asked.

"Should be soon," Beca replied, checking her phone. "They're coming in from all over, so it makes sense that we may not have the "complete collection" until late tonight. But that's when the fun can really begin!" she grinned, but when she caught the surprised look on Theo's face, she was quick to amend her words. "And I meant that in a totally, nonsexual way, like, none of us are planning on, like, doing the do. You know?" she asked.

"Ah, well, no judgement either way. It is Pride Month after all," Theo shrugged, his surprise already fading away.

"Well, I'm not planning on doing anything. Or anyone. But I'm sure Cynthia, Jessica and Ashley will be delighted," Beca snickered.

"Hell yeah we will!" Two voices caught Beca by surprise. She and Theo turned to see Jessica and Ashley (or was it Ashley and Jessica?) standing side by side, totally covered in rainbows.

"Hey!" Beca opened her arms excitedly. She may not have been the world's most cuddly person, but in a moment like this, a small hug was ok. The other two girls responded accordingly, returning Beca's hug with equal fondness. The three of them exchanged pleasantries and Beca was able to learn that the two had since gotten married, and both had become teachers at some nice little elementary school the next state over. It was the first place they'd ever gone to that didn't ever mix them up, since one of them taught math and the other taught English.

"That's great!" Beca cried, some of the rainbow paint on their bodies rubbing onto Beca's. "Have you seen any of the others?"

"I know Aubrey is here with Stacie," Jessica (or Ashley) said. "And I'm pretty sure Chloe and Chicago are coming too."

"Great! Any idea where?" Beca replied.

"Not at all," the Jessica and Ashley replied in unison, smiling helplessly as they gestured to the thousands of rainbow bodies around them.

"Yeah, well, we're still all meeting up later, right? The old Bella House?" Beca asked.

"Of course!" Ashley (or Jessica) replied with a smile. This was an added perk of the Pride. Alumni were allowed to stay in the houses they used to live in if the current residents allowed it, and the new Bellas had ben more than happy to open their doors to the old ones.

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