Beach Trip

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"WOO HOOOOOOO!" A joyful voice screamed out as its owner jumped from the massive cliff into the dark waves waiting below. For a moment after the jump, there was only silence, but then a head of short, spiky black hair broke the surface of the water.

"Come on in! The water is fine!" the jumper cried back to her friends still waiting on the cliff above.

"I thought I was supposed to go first, Alice!" one of the friends, Jacob, bellowed back down to her in good humor. Alice only gave him a playful salute before vanishing under the water again, swimming away from the cliffs and towards the shore.

"Well then, who's up next?" Jacob chuckled, turning to his other two companions. When they only exchanged amused glances, Jacob shrugged. "Ok, guess it'll be me!" he said, then he took a few steps back away from the cliff's edge...

"Is this really necessary?" Edward smirked.

"Absolutely." Jacob sounded dead serious before he suddenly took off running. Right at the edge of the cliff, he took a powerful leap.

"AWWWOOOOOOOOOO!" he shouted the entire way down. Edward sighed and shook his head.

"I wish you'd told me he was like this sooner," he whispered to Bella.

"If I had, you guys would've never hooked up," Bella reminded him with an amused smirk.

"Fair enough," Edward couldn't stop a smile as he conceded. "Now, who's next?"

"I'll go," Bella shrugged. "And I'll even do a swan dive, because why not?" she chuckled, then she took a graceful leap off the cliff.

Once all of them had swum to shore, they were met with a picnic Jacob had set out earlier, protected from the sun by coolers and umbrellas.

"Wow! You really went all out!" Bella smiled in awe as she took in all the food laid out for her and the others. Along with the typical sandwiches, salads, lemonade, and cookies, there were a lot more complicated and expensive dishes like steak, chicken, pulled pork, pasta and pastries.

"Ain't nothing wrong with that!" Jacob grinned excitedly. This wasn't just going to be a picnic, but a feast fit for kings and queens!

"You pig," Bella teased.

"Wolf," Jacob corrected, winking at her before he began to stuff his face.

"Yeah, talk about wolfing things down!" Alice remarked. Jacob pretended to puke in response to her lame pun, so she kicked a bit of sand at him before darting over to Bella's side and nestling up nice and close to her.

Jacob watched as Alice peppered Bella's face in kisses and then he turned a pleading face to Edward.

"Absolutely not," he deadpanned.

"Pretty please?" Jacob scooted closer to the vampire and held out his cheek.

"Alright, fine," Edward caved pretty quickly, pressing his cold lips against Jacob's warm, sun-kissed skin. Jacob growled in pleasure before returning the favor, leaving a BBQ stain on Edward's pale cheek.

"Gross," he muttered, but even though he wiped his cheek off dramatically, he was smiling the entire time.

Not long after, the other Cullens finally arrived.

"Sorry we're late!" Carlisle shouted as he and the rest of the coven walked over. "The hospital was exceptionally busy today, what with all the summer-related injuries!"

"It's not a problem at all," Bella smiled as he and the others sat down beside her.

"I brought more food in case you were still hungry," Esme smiled brightly as she pulled several giant coolers from behind her back. While Bella smiled weakly, Jacob's eyes lit up like the sun.

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