Fancy Dinner Date

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"Not bad," Tempest gave Storm an impressed look as the two of them studied Storm's appearance in the mirror. She was wearing a simple black suit and tie, and her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

"I guess," Storm sounded uncertain.

"Oh! Don't worry! You look great!" Tempest patted Storm on the back reassuringly. "Besides, you gotta go! Look at the time!"

"Crap!" Storm hissed. She hadn't realized how late it was. Without hesitation, she brushed past Tempest.

"Go get 'em, tiger!" Tempest shouted after her, laughing to herself.

Several minutes later, Storm found herself at Iris' door. She was at a total loss on what to do. Did she knock? Did she wait? Did she text? And, oh, crap! She didn't have any flowers! Were flowers mandatory for a date? Or would Iris not mind? Should she ask? Ah, but she couldn't! It was too late to buy any flowers now! And it would be obvious if she tried to just pick some. Ugh... Why did this have to be so stressful?!

But at last, the woman finally caved and knocked. Well, here went nothing...

"Woah!" Storm had hoped to have a witty compliment ready, but actually seeing Iris took the words, and breath, right out of her. Iris was only wearing a simple, knee-length dress with spaghetti straps, and it was the same exact color as her eyes, but even though it wasn't very extravagant, it was still absolutely gorgeous. She also wore her long, wavy brown hair in a bun, a purple clip in it to match her dress and her eyes.

"Like what you see?" Iris joked, quite amused by Storm's shamelessly stunned expression. Storm, meanwhile, winced inwardly, cursing herself that Iris was able to read her surprise so easily.

"You look amazing," Iris continued. "Your suit suits you," she joked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't have anything fancier," Storm was quick to fiddle with her tie, looking anxious.

"No, I mean it! I think you look wonderful," Iris promised with a gentle smile. If Storm's nervousness wasn't radiating off of her in waves already, the fact that Iris' pun had gone right over her head spoke for itself.

"Oh, umm, thanks," Storm ducked her head awkwardly and Iris had to bite back another laugh. Storm really was adorable when she was flustered, but she didn't want to tease the other woman too mercilessly.

"Oh! And, uhh, you look amazing, too, by the way!" Storm cleared her throat. "It, uhhh, matches your eyes."

Storm regretted the words as soon as they were out of her mouth. It matched her eyes? No duh! Thanks, Captain Obvious...

"Thank you," Iris gave a gracious nod. Clearly, she wasn't bothered at all by Storm's awkward compliment. Then she extended her arm to the other woman, a pleasant smile on her face. "Well then, shall we?" she asked.

"Ah, yes, we shall!" Storm took her arm. Well, at least she managed to get that right!


45 minutes later, the two were seated at a rather fancy restaurant. Iris had picked the place and Storm seemed blown away by all of the opulence displayed in one setting. There was a red carpet floor, sculpted walls, candles and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, tables covered in fine China, shining silverware, and silk cloth... It all looked like something right out of a fairytale!

"This place sure is... extravagant!" Storm remarked as she slid into her seat awkwardly.

"It's the best place in town for a fancy dinner date!" Iris agreed, much more enthusiastic. She'd eaten here several times in the past and she never failed to feel like a gorgeous, elegant, storybook princess every single time. The lighting was perfect, the food was exquisite, and the drinks were all so fancy and elegant. As were the bottles they came from and the glasses they were served in.

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