Part 1

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10 years ago, a nine tailed demon fox attacked konoha. The village hidden in the leaves. To stop it, the fourth Hokage sealed half of it within himself, and the other half in his own daughter. Rin Uzumaki.

Hi! I'm Rin Uzumaki. I'm ten years old, and I'm currently a ninja at the academy. Well, normally you don't even attend until you're eight, but this year I'm graduating with other ninjas two years older than me

Rin's POV

I groggily opened my eyes. Pale dawn light seeped through my window. I yawned and sat up on my bed. As I dragged my legs out of the comfy bed, a shot a glance at the clock. 5:30 in the morning, whoopee. I always had some kind of a weird instinct to wake up early. It wasn't always good. I sighed. I knew from experience that it would be impossible to go back to sleep, so I walked in to the kitchen and pulled a piece of bread and some milk out of the fridge. Sticking the piece of bread in the toaster, I went to get dressed.

My everyday ninja clothes were actually quite thorough, so this will take a while to describe. My outfit was black leather skinny pants/jeans tucked in to mid calf height combat boots. a the boots were mostly leather, but some metal made my kicks pretty painful. I wore a black button down collared shirt that I left untucked, the sleeves rolled up to my elelbows. I also had a pair of fingerless gloves. On top of my shirt, a black, unbuttoned military jacket, with a black leather strap that ran from my shoulder to my hip, which carried a leather sword sheath on my back. I had a variety of different swords but I usually used the same one. It was pure black on almost all of it. The only part that was'nt black was the entire outline of the sword in silver. Aside from my sword, I had a dagger attached to the lower back of my jacket, for close combat situations. And of course the usual other weapons. A kunai holster with kunai and senbon needles, a pouch on my belt with shuriken, paper bombs, and other tags, another dagger in a sheath in the front of my belt in case I ran out if kunai, and summoning, weapon. and jutsu scrolls lined the rest if my belt.

So as you could probably tell, I was clothed almost entirely in black, except for my ninja wrappings, and the ankle weights that I wore under my boots. (you can't see the anyways)

Back to reality, I got changed and pulled out the bread from the toaster and munching it happily. When I finished, I downed my milk in one gulp, and went to go brush my teeth. (after washing the dishes) Well since I'm looking in the mirror, this is a great time to tell you what I look like!

I have raven black hair that I always put in a high pony tail. when I do, my hair brushes the middle of my back. My eyes are an unusually bright, ocean blue. I have a lean build, so I'm skinny but not in a sick way. I'm pretty well muscled. I'm stronger than almost all the guys in my class.

Anyhow, I brushed my teeth, and looked at myself in the mirror, making sure my bangs were straight. I grinned at myself and headed out the door of my bathroom, and apartment for school.

I paused halfway out of the door, wait a minute, I thought. It's 5:45 in the morning. I face palmed and changed directions, heading over to the training grounds. What'll I do? I wondered. I came to train in the morning almost every day, and I was running out if ideas.

Just then, I heard a quiet voice. "Hi Rin-chan!" I turned around to see one of my best friends, Hinata Hyuuga. I cooked my head to the side and smiled. "What are you doing up at this hour Hinata? And doesn't the princess of the Hyuuga clan always have a guard?" I asked. "I told my father I was going training, and no, my father doesn't really care enough to give me a guard." Hinata said, a little sad. "Well, since we're both here for the same reason, wanna spar?" I asked hopefully. "Taijutsu only, so we don't get hurt." Hinata said.

-After a couple hours of sparring-

Hinata's POV

"We should probably stop now." I said, panting. "Good idea Hinata." Said Rin, also tired. "I'm worn out, and we'll be late for school if we don't stop" she said. I nodded and we headed towards the academy together.

Even though my father always tells me to stay away from Rin, because she's a monster or something, I really don't understand. She's my best friend, and she's really nice. I have a feeling all the adults hate her for some reason, because they tell their kids to stay away from her, so it's hard for her to make friends. That's why I'll help her.

Rin's POV

I really love being with Hinata. She respects and understands me, unlike almost everyone in the village. We got to the academy about five minutes before the bell. We walked in to our classroom and sat down.

We were allowed to sit down wherever we wanted, but Hinata and I always sat in the same spot. The top right of the classroom. About a minute later. a group of guys walked in. Kiba and Akamaru, Shikamaru, Choji, and Shino. Shino and Choji sat at the front, and Shikamaru plopped down in the seat in front of me."Ugh school, what a drag" Shikamaru announced, looking bored out of his mind. I grinned, Shikamaru was another one of my only friends. "Shika-kun, you say that every day!" I said, rolling my eyes.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. Turning around, I smiled. "Hi Kiba-kun!" I said. He handed me a bundle of black and white fur, and asked, "did you leave her at home again? She got out and started licking me" He complained. By "she", he meant my pet wolf Soul. I found her as a baby and raised her. We were like soulmates. "Sorry, she was fast asleep! And she likes you and Akamaru alot." I said apologetically to Kiba. "Well I'm flattered" Said Kiba, sitting down beside Shikamaru, In front of Hinata. I blushed a bit. Okay, maybe I had the teeniest crush on Kiba.

As I was about to say something to him, two annoying girls walked in to the class, shoving each other angrily. Sakura and Ino. "I'm sitting beside Sasuke-kun!" "No me!" They argued. As you can probably tell, they both have a HUGE crush on Sasuke Uchiha. Seeing Sasuke's annoyed look, I called "Hey pinkette! Blonde! It's obvious Spike head doesn't want to sit with either of you, so go fall in a hole and leave the guy alone!" Sakura and Ino immediately stormed up to me and asked "What was that?"

I growled at them and they asked, "you think he wants to sit with you?" "I don't want to sit with Sasuke, but I wouldn't mind if he did." I retorted. Still, Sakura and Ino went to sit with Sasuke. I saw him sigh and get up, looking for a quiet seat. I cooked my head at the seat to the right of me. He walked over and sat down beside me. Making all the girls in the classroom (except Hinata) rage.

"Do I annoy you?" I asked Sasuke. "No, you're fine. At least you don't fangirl." He grunted. I laughed. That's one of the benefits of not fan-girling.

Before anyone could say anything else, a voice yelled "everyone be quiet!"

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