3 || That's What My Brother Said

383 11 5

Beep beep. Beep beep.

Bellamy reached for the alarm, tapping blindly on the bedside table

Beep beep. Beep beeeeeep.

Why does it sound like a


"Bellamy! What the fuck man?! Answer the damn phone!" came Miller's gruff voice from a corner of the room

He finally raised his head and groggily opened his eyes to see where his phone –still ringing- was.

"What?" He grunted, after placing his phone on his ear and resting his other side of the face on the pillow

"Uh, someone's sounds awfully grumpy today"

Bellamy groaned "Octavia"

"Yes. Brother."

"It's-" He raised his head again to see what time was "6 am"

"..Time Zones.. Right.. Sorry?" If he wouldn't have had his eyes closed, he'd definitely roll his eyes

"What is it?"

"I have a job interview!"

"I thought you already had a job.." He said frowning, eyes still closed

"I quit it"

Bellamy jumped up in a sitting position "You did what? Why didn't you tell me? Are you okay, what money? Do yo-"

"Bellamy! Stop. That's exactly why I didn't tell you" Octavia sighed "You don't need to worry, I'm a big girl, and I can take care of my self."

He rubbed his face "That's not the point O. I'm halfway around the world and if something happens-"

"I know Bell, but listen to me. I'm fine. Really." She used her most reassuring tone "Besides, I pretty much have a job already.."

"You just told me you have an interview..?"

Octavia rolled her eyes "That's just a formality, I wrote a piece and sent it to them, thinking that at least I'd have tried.. But then I received their reply, and it turns out they love it so much, and want me writing for them as soon as possible"

Bellamy smiled, hearing her sister being so excited and happy always made his day brighter "What magazine, did you tell it was? I think I missed it"

Octavia giggled squealing "That's because I didn't tell you, yet!"

Bellamy arched an eyebrow "Go on then, don't keep me waiting!"

"It's for freaking VANITY FAIR!"

Bellamy, that in the meantime had the awesome idea to take a sip of water, choked and coughed spilling half the content of the bottle on the bed.

"Bell? Are you okay?" came Octavia's worried voice from the other end

"Yeah, O! That's amazing!" He congratulated her slipping out the sheets and heading to the kitchen, he had almost reached the door when



He had stepped on someone.

"THE FUCK MAN?" Miller growled in the dark

"SORRY, sorry, I'm sorry.. I just need to go out"

Miller muttered angry obscene words and crawled to the opposite corner of the room with his pillow.

Bellamy didn't even remember how his friend ends up on the floor. After the opening gig of their first big tour in the USA, the previous night, they had celebrated with a couple of beers.. or was it tequila? Anyway, then the rest was a blur. Now, he just hoped to not step on other members of his band.

To Bellamy, Love ClarkeWhere stories live. Discover now