17 || Wore Than Characters From A Chick-flick

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Raven was working on the prosthetic arm for Jake.

She had already removed the previous harness –the one that itched- and had ready the one with the softer fabric. Except she was still trying to figure out how to make the fingers of the mechanical hand actually move without having to do something drastic like, have an operation and have the metal arm actually attached to his nervous system.

She had completed all her work work projects days ago, but still hadn't handed them over because, her time wasn't up yet and because she was using all that time to work on Jake's –hopefully- future arm.

She leaned back and closed her eyes to stretch her neck after having it bend for god knows how long on the damn thing. When she opened them again she huffed and pushed it away from her and crossed her arms looking at it like it had personally affronted her. Which it had.

Weeks of working on it and no luck. It was time like this that she wondered where the hell her genius went.

"You know, if you weren't so damn proud, I could actually help you."

Raven banged her head on the working bench and that was answer enough for Wick.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Or, you could ask Jake, he's an engineer too. If you've forgotten. And these days, it's not like he's busy... It could be a great way to distract himself." He snorted. "Not to mention the fact that he would be the one actually wearing the thing. But hey if you want to huff and roll around continuing to not get any progress and refuse help, suit yourself."

Raven's mind had stopped listening to him when he'd suggested to bring Jake on board. Why didn't she think of it herself? That was so stupid and childish of her, not wanting help, wanting to do it all by herself. But this wasn't about her it was about Jake. The idea was... great, except from the fact that it came from Wick, of all people.

Then she registered the last words he'd said and tightened her jaw and flared her nostrils as she exhaled.


Or Kyle, apparently. He was the incarnation of everything that annoyed Raven. He was cocky and childish and stupid and annoyingly handsome. Not that she would ever ever admit that. That was just another reason to harbour her loathe of him.

But she had to admit, at least to herself, that he occasionally had some pretty good ideas.

Bringing Jake on the prosthetic project was one of them.

Raven turned her head, still resting on the cool surface of the workbench, and looked at him.

Wick was leisurely sitting with his legs pulled up on the top of the working table. Reading the Evening Standard.

Raven glared and sensing her gaze on him, Wick turned to look at her and smirked.

"Oh, Blake and sweet Lily are back together, go figure..."

Raven scowled and added rude on the never ending list of Wick's lovely personality. He was rude only with her though, which made her be the way she was with him only with him.

She snapped her neck back to Wick when the ear to brain filter –that she had called AntiWick-Bull- developed after having to work with the annoying ass for too long, registered the comment.


Wick turned to look at her from where he was reading on the paper, "Oh, right. You know his little sister, Octavia, right?"

To Bellamy, Love ClarkeWhere stories live. Discover now