20 || Always, Awesome & Happy

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[Clarke and Bellamy]

Waking up to find Bellamy asleep beside her was something that never ceased to spread a warm feeling within her, and leave her content as she watched with rapture, memorizing every detail for when she'd have time to paint, the way his skin seemed to glow when hit by the morning sunlight coming through the windows.

Bellamy slept on his stomach, and Clarke usually would've loved to wake him up by leaving tiny kisses and running her fingers lightly on the dust of freckles on his shoulders, but she was starving so she grabbed one of his tee-shirts, slipped it on and silently padded out of Bellamy's old bedroom.

They were at Bellamy's and Octavia's childhood home in Norwich. Clarke had wanted to come here before the Jaha's wedding madness started and Octavia, maid of honour and wedding planner, would've taken hold on everyone's life and demanded that everyone stuck with her perfect plan for the perfect wedding, and so prevent them from leaving the city.

She had always wanted to see where Bellamy had grown up, and had been a little nervous to bring the option up to him, but Bellamy had smiled happily as he agreed that it was a great idea, so they had packed up and left for three days.

This was their last day and after breakfast they would've to climb in the car and drive back to London.

The first day Bellamy took her to Eaton Park, the same park where his mum used to take him and his sister. As they prepared the picnic on the grass, Clarke remembered the story that Octavia had told her about getting lost because of chasing butterflies and Bellamy had confirmed it by chuckling and shaking his head with a wistful smile on his lips.

The second day, he took her to see his high school and told her all kind of stories and shenanigans he took part with John and the others. It was wonderful spending the days like that, not having to worry when he'd have to leave again, just the two of them, walking hand in hand as they talked about their childhoods.

While they did some groceries in the local store they also found a newspaper and various gossip magazine with an interesting cover. Clarke's mouth had dropped when she had seen them. Bellamy had just sighed and squeezed her arm, dropping a kiss on the top of her head, mumbling "Welcome to my world."

He had told her that going with him at the Cannes Film Festival would mean to put their relationship right there, out in the open, but seeing herself in the covers of magazines was still hard to wrap her head around.

Not only there were pictures of them, smiling at the cameras the day of the festival, but some had also pictures of them hugging at the airport.

Having caught her staring at that particular picture, for probably too long, Bellamy had said to her nervously, "I know it's a lot to take in, and if it freaks you out, I totally understand, it took me a while too-"

"Can we buy it?" Clarke had asked, interrupting him. When he'd remained silent, she had looked up at him with a shy smile, "I like the way you're smiling here." she pointed at the picture where she had her back to the camera with her legs wrapped around his hips while he was grinning happily, his eyes crinkling at the corners the way they always did when he laughed. Looking at it, she could clearly hear the way he had sighed, as having her in his arms was everything he had ever wanted, and the way his arms had held her tight against him, like he'd never want to let her go again.

She loved that picture.

She told him as much and after that, he had just taken the magazine with no further word. From time to time she'd catch him staring at her with a thoughtful look and when finally she had raised her eyebrows in askance he had just shook his head and cocking his head had said, "You really are the one."

To Bellamy, Love ClarkeWhere stories live. Discover now