13 || You Speak Sarcasm?

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The band had called it an early night and gone to sleep, finally leaving the two of them on their own.

After sharing stories of all kind they all started to yawn almost at the same time and slowly got up rubbing their eyes like little children; Jasper, the most adorable of them all, dragged his feet practically already half asleep, judging by the fact that he repetitively ran onto things (like the wall) whining a "Ow, you weren't here before" until finally Monty grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled him behind him until he was safely tucked under his covers. They all blamed their tiredness to the crazy schedule and pressure they had been forced to put their body under while on tour- too fired up and excited to even try to rest- and now that they were home it felt like the sleep caught up all together.

Even Octavia had stood up as soon as the guys did, declaring that it was time for her to start working on her article, since she still needed to do some research about it. She kissed her brother goodnight and winked their way as the two of them watched her leave with the rest of the group.

They both listened for the quiet "snick" sound of the five doors closing shut; Clarke heaved a deep breath, completely relaxing on her seat on the couch. The air had still that quiet, relaxing buzz created from the soft conversation and amusing jokes that the band had left behind, and Clarke was nowhere near, or even thinking about starting to freak out about the fact that she was actually alone with Bellamy, with no one potentially barging in on them any time soon, since the time they shared that train couch over five years ago.

Clarke hummed contently relishing in the peacefulness that had enfolded the whole house in a warm golden glow. She was so relaxed that she felt like she could fall asleep then and there. She opened her eyes and looked beside her; Bellamy was wide awake with a gentle smile on his lips, the same that hadn't left his face since the moment Octavia told him about the picture.

"Aren't you tired?" she asked cocking an eyebrow. The others had looked like zombies just moments ago, and he should've been feeling that way too, since he too went under the same circumstances as the others did.

He scrunched up his face and shook his head "Not really.." Clarke still looked at him questioningly, prompting to go on; he sighed "I'm a bit of insomniac" he gestured to his head "Lots of thoughts, and the bed never seems to be comfortable enough.."

"Oh" Clarke blinked at him, taking in this new information about him, and then smiled "My mom's an insomniac too" she mused "My dad does this tisane though, it makes her sleep like a baby" she bit her lip before offering "I could make it for you.. If you want"

Bellamy's face went through a multitude of interesting emotions but then settled on something close to wonder, that made Clarke almost blush "Of course, that would be amazing, Clarke" he said sighing on her name.

She giggled and stood up making her way around the couch to the open kitchen just behind it.

Luckily Octavia had kept the place stocked with various kinds of herbs and roots, being a heavy drinker of teas herself, so Clarke had no problem in finding the ingredients for her tisane. She prepared it listening to him strum a sweet melody with his guitar.

Once the tea was poured in what Clarke had assumed -with a snort- was Bellamy's mug (History Buff ~ I'd find you more interesting if you were dead) she returned to him, stopping just in front of him unable to bring herself to interrupt him while he was so entranced in the tune he was just creating.

When he finally looked up, he smiled shyly.

"That was... Beautiful" she sighed sitting back on the couch.

He shrugged, holding back the smile that he suspected would have split his face in half, and watched her for a while thinking over something. Then the grin finally did split his face and he held the guitar to her "Wanna try?"

To Bellamy, Love ClarkeWhere stories live. Discover now