Chapter 1.

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"Come sign our petition for more recycling bins in the school!"

Her voice a pitch higher than the rest is still barely audible over the many other voices pushing for dominance in the hall.

I grin a little, and silently applaud Jasmines' abundance of never wavering enthusiasm and energy.


"I think I might put you in the bin" growls a voice from my right. I glance over to see a senior with a fistful of my best friends shirt.

Shit, not again

"Alright lads leave the girls and their petition alone, go do sport or something" a bored looking vice principal Jones states, following this up with some equally disinterested shooing motions.

The senior reluctantly releases Jazmine from his grasp and she squeaks, stepping back a little before steadying herself on the flimsy fold-out we use to hold pens, flyers and clipboards.

"Jerks" she mutters, before snatching up some more flyers and heading down the hall with determination. Ponytail swinging violently as she goes.

I don't have the heart to tell her it's pointless and no one really cares, so instead I put on my most friendly encouraging face and continue handing out the flyers I know will fill the bins and line the hallways shortly after leaving my hands.

"Hiya come sign our petition for more recycling bins in the schoo..." I'm cut off.

"A petition isn't going to lose that fat, FATASS!"

I redden, but continue, doing my best to ignore them, "our school produces % waste % of which is paper, do your bit for the environment an..." A pitying smile and they're gone.

But I know that voice.

I look around and lo and behold Brittney Fraser and her cronies, lingering outside of homeroom A like a bad smell.

Underneath the laughter I hear their not so subtle comments.

"No one's going to go near her looking like that"

"I wouldn't date her even if we were the last people on earth"

"That hair"

"Those shoes"

It's nothing new, I'm subject to Brittney's bullshit on the daily.......but it still stings.


"A petition isn't going to lose that fat, FATASS!" -  Advertisement quote #1

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