7 - JM

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I went out for coffee with Jungkook to discuss about the job.


He was standing near the fountain as he waved and walked towards me. We went inside the cafe and ordered our drinks and he basically told everything about his uncle's company. He was a few months younger than me but he still decided to call me by my name. It was weird but I had no objection with it because honestly, him considering me as his friend was more than enough. I needed friends.

"Two Caffè Macchiato. Enjoy!"

The waiter served us our drinks and there was an awkward silence between Jungkook and me. The cup in front of me had a big J written on it with the foamed milk. And I suddenly felt my body stiffening at that bold letter that stood out perfectly, contrasting with the light brown coffee.

"Sorry. That's mine. Here's yours."

Jungkook exchanged our cups and I could see my initials.

I decided to shrug off the weird feeling and tried to focus on what Jungkook was explaining. We went back home after having a light lunch. He left me in front of my house and I waved him good bye.

My parents had already informed me that they would be going out for some work and so I expected to be alone. But to my surprise, as I entered the house, I heard a man whining and complaining like a little kid. And I prepared myself for his long complaints.

"Ahh~~ you're home finally. Do you know I had to be alone for such a long time!"

"Jin you're older than me. Stop complaining. And why aren't you in the hospital right now."

"Well , I had some work in the other hospital and so I just came back home."

"But you said that you were here alone for such a long time?"

I squinted my eyes and looked at him, suspicious. He started laughing shamelessly and hit me.

"I was just joking pabo! But tell me? Where did you go?" He asked me, looking at me with his big round eyes.

"I went out for lunch with Jungkook." I went towards the couch as I plopped down on it. Jin following me and sitting down beside me.

"Oh. That guy."

"What do you mean that guy?"

"Your new friend."

"Oppa~ what happened to you? Even that day when you saw him you were behaving weirdly and I kind of got irritated. What's the matter?"

"Nothing. I just... don't want you to forget about me. I haven't had many friends. And I met you at a situation where I actually cared for you not just as a doctor but also as a brother, as a friend. So I don't want to lose you again in any way."

"Is that so? Then you don't have to worry. Jungkook is just a friend and I'll keep it that way. By the way I'm deciding to start working in his uncle's company. There's a vacancy and I want to join."

"Alright. But there are some tests pending. After that you can join. And promise me that you'll not overwork yourself."


"Now tell me, how was your day?"

"It was good, but.."

"But what?"

"There was this thing that made me feel really weird. And I don't know what it was."

"Tell me about it."

I told him everything that happened. The exchange of the cups, how a simple letter made me feel weird and how I  just tried to ignore it. Even though Jin was my friend, he was the person who was responsible for treating me, and so I told him every small detail about how I felt.

Jin froze for a minute and then he spoke.

"The letter J?"


"Maybe.... because it reminded you about me."

I rolled my eyes at his self-made unfunny joke while he was just sitting there and laughing like a hyena.

"Okay. But in all honesty, I think you're just over thinking. I'll do some tests later in this week and see if there's any problem. But as of now, you don't need to worry. "

I thanked him for the advice and went straight to my room.


Seokjin's p.o.v.

I had never thought that it would be so difficult for me to keep his memories away from you. It's like every little thing reminds you of him. The only way for you to heal is to forget about him, but you obviously can't. He has a really deep impact in your life.

And so the only alternative is to find you Park Jimin.


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