8 - I Got You

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"Miso? Are you alright!?"

"N-no...I need you to come home."

"I'm on my way. Calm down."

"I can't. Please."

She hung up the phone and it scared the hell out of me. I still had an hour's practice left but I wasn't sure if she would be able hang in there for so long.

"Hyungnim. I'll have to leave now. There is an emergency."

"Jimin-ah, we still have a lot to practice."

"I'm sorry but I need to be somewhere."

"If it's important, then you can go. But you'll practice tomorrow as well."


I stumbled up to my car, worried what had happened. I tried contacting her but she didn't pick up. Heat rushed through my entire body thinking about the endless possibilities of her getting hurt.

On reaching her home I saw that there was no car outside. Her parents probably weren't home. I quickly opened the door with the spare key I had. The living room was empty but the t.v. was still on. I switched it off and called out for her name. There was no reply. I rushed up to her room but there were no signs of her. Her bed was neatly made, files perfectly placed at her desk and shelves, just like she loved.

The light of the bathroom was switched on. I opened it slowly, calling out her name. There was no sound but there was a little body curled up against the bathtub. I quickly rushed up to her side only to find out that she was sobbing profusely.

"Hey..,it's alright."

Breathing rapidly she looked at me with her big eyes filled with tears, as I held her arms around my neck, trying to hug her. She resisted, but I had no other way.

"It's alright. I'm here now."

Patting her head and back slowly I tried to calm her down. Telling her that she was strong and she was not alone. I could feel her body relax against mine as I felt her arms holding my shoulders tightly.

"That's right. I've got you now. Just keep breathing. Long and slow."

We sat there on the floor for a few more minutes. Caressing her, I didn't want to let her go until I was sure that she was fine. I let go of her when she called my name. I looked at her for any signs of fright, but instead I was welcomed with a small smile that warmed my heart.

I took her inside her room and sat beside her on the bed, waiting for her to say something.

"Jimin..I'm sorry."

"You don't have to say sorry, foolish." I laughed, making her smile appear again.

"I knew you were busy but I was really scared."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I just lost control and then my chest started paining. I called up my parents but they didn't pick up. So I called you. And then I wasn't able to breathe. I felt like I would die."

She hid her face in her palms and started crying again. She was scared.
I gently took her arms away from her face.

"It's alright. You're alright. And I'm here now. You don't have to feel scared."

She nodded slightly and started doing her breathing exercises to calm herself down.

"Do you want to be alone for a while?"

She just sat there holding my hand tightly. She didn't say a word. So I took it that she wanted me to stay. If she would feel the comfort just by my presence, then I'll stay here, even if she doesn't say a word.

Her phone started ringing. And I knew I had to give her some alone time but I was scared that she might have the attack again. So I sat there listening to her.

" Yeah mom. I'm alright now.....yeah..... Jiminie is here with me.... don't worry, I'm alright....yeah...bye ma."

"They will be back soon. Thank you for coming."

"Will you stop thanking me?"

She just giggled and nodded her head no. Stubborn as ever.

"Come on. I need tea."

I followed her out the door, down the stairs and into the kitchen. Along the way I kept looking at her, walk in front of me, with a new found comfort.

She brewed her favorite chamomile tea and put some honey as a sweetener. She offered me some and I accepted it happily. All this while, we said nothing. Just taking in each other's presence was enough to calm our minds. The horrifying view of her small frame curled up on the floor didn't seem to leave my mind. I had been there while some of her panic attacks, but this was something that scared me too. Even though I knew what could calm her down, I was scared that something worse might have happened. She was really close to me and seeing her hurt would be something that would be unbearable for me. And that's when I knew I wanted to protect her. Wanted to be the person that she can turn to when she's in trouble. Wanted to be a reason for her to smile. I wanted so much more than just being friends. And that's when I realized how much I adored her. To the point, that I would have done anything for her in a single breath. She had that power on me.

And that's when I knew, that I loved her.

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