22- Sacrifice

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Jimin's p.o.v.

"So you're saying, that you're it was all because of a stupid revenge?" Yoongi hyung asked.

It was all a shock to me as well. Now I understand. This is why he always pressured me to join the business. This is why.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Taehyung asked.

"We'll carry on the treatment but when she wakes up, we'll tell her the truth. That's it."

"Will it not affect her health?"

"It can but this is a better chance for her survival. We have to take this step."

"But what are you gonna say to her?" I finally asked.

Jin hyung went silent. He was looking at the ground. His tall frame was slouched a bit and he felt a bit uncomfortable. After letting out a long breath, he looked up at us with a weak smile plastered on his face.

"I'm going to tell her...that it was me who told Jimin to go away because he was a barrier for her to recover."


Everyone in that room was shocked including me. Why would he do such a thing? Why not tell her the truth?

"I can't tell her the truth because it would come as a shock to her to find out that it was her father who did all this. Considering her weak state, she wouldn't be able to handle things in a calm way."

I was touched at his thought. I would have never imagined for him to do something this big for just a patient. I didn't know how close Miso and him were, but I sure know he really cared for her. I went forward and hugged him. He hugged me back awkwardly, but being the koala I am I clinged on to him tighter.


I could recognize that voice from a million miles, and before I could protest, Taehyung pulled Jungkook and Yoongi hyung with him and literally crashed into us. Fortunately we didn't fall over. All thanks to Jin hyung.

"Alright kids. You'll should leave now. I have to go to the hospital before she wakes up."

"Okay hyung."

We all left. I was happy I would get to see her tomorrow, hold her in my arms like always. I was overwhelmed. Taehyung saw it , and instantly patted my back.

"You know what Jimin, you don't deserve to be sad now. Things fall into their place eventually."

"But I don't like it that hyung is doing so much for me."

"It is for her sake after all. He loves her too much."

"What do you mean?"

"Aww Jiminie you're so oblivious."

He started pinching my cheeks, annoying me. Jungkook suddenly coughed, making us aware of his presence. He smiled at us weirdly , not knowing what to say further. I realized I didn't know anything about him. We walked for a while until we reached a place, familiar to Tae and me. The entire city could be seen from there, a little picnic spot near the park. We talked for a while, got to know each other better.

"Hyung I'm hungry. I'll buy something for us."

He went off like a little kid to buy some food.

"He finally is comfortable talking to us. He was too shy when I first met him."

"He's a good kid."

We both looked at the city lights, silently, enjoying the moment, the calmness of the night. The feeling finally settled in me that everything was going to be fine now. When Tae suddenly started speaking.

"You know, Jin loves her a lot."

"Did he tell you?"

"Not exactly, but I can see it in his eyes."

"Oh really.?" I now turned my head to look at him. A serious expression took over his face.

"Yes. He looks at her the same way I look at her. With love that I can't give because it's not right. That time when I met him and saw him how angry he was at me, I thought why was he even behaving like that. But then it struck me. The possibility that he liked her. And it all became clear to me when I saw worry and live at the same time, whenever he treated her. But of course he couldn't show his feelings openly.  He always bought lilies and placed them beside her bed. They share something much more deeper than we do, Jimin. And that is friendship, without asking for anything in return. In love, we expect something, but in friendship, you don't. And thinking about the fact that this friendship could break because of him trying to help us breaks me. I hope you will not let his sacrifice go in vain Jimin. Promise me you'll good care of her."

I was taken aback after listening to all this. His sacrifice was bigger than anything.

"I promise Taehyung. I'll take care of her. I won't let her be hurt again. Never."


"So tell me, when did you fall for her?"

"During the spring break in University."

Before I could ask him another question, Jungkook came back with lamb skewers.

"Ah these smell so good. Here, one for Taehyung hyung, one for Jimin hyung and three for me."

"You brat!"

Taehyung ran after him , holding his skewer like a sword and I just stood there laughing at them. There were people who had sacrificed something just for Miso and me.  I can't let them be disappointed. They were indeed like Angels that I had failed to become. They were the angels that had come in life at a time when I needed them the most. And I promise that would never let there sacrifices go in vain.


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