18- The Untold Truth

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Jimin's p.o.v.

I woke up due to the faint noise of the vacuum cleaner. Lifting myself up on my elbows I saw a lady cleaning the room.

"Where am I?"

She looked at me with her big eyes.

"Hoseok-ah! He's awake."

She ran out of the room leaving me alone in a confused state. I felt a bit weak. As I was trying to get up from the bed I heard footsteps, someone entered the room.

"Ah... You're finally awake."

"Who are you and why am I here?"

"I think you probably forgot. I found you last night, in the middle of the road, unconscious. So I brought you here in my house. I could have called the police for help but I didn't know about you and you didn't even have your identity card with you."

I suddenly remembered everything about the previous night. I was terrified again.

"I have to find her."

Jumping off the bed, I tried to leave the room but the weakness in my body just held me back and I fell on the ground.

"Slow down. You don't have to worry. We'll help you out."

I told them the entire story. It was hard for me to just sit there and do nothing. The only phone number I knew was of my parents and Miso. Both the numbers being unavailable. I was starting to get scared thinking of the worst possibilities of them getting injured. I had to know whether they were safe or not. Hoseok hyung and his girlfriend Ayeon helped me in contacting the police, but they said that there wasn't any accident reported. It was as if the accident never really happened. When one fine day when we were trying to contact some other people, there was a phone call from the police department we had went to a few days ago. I was expecting a good news but it was something I wasn't ready for.

"Park Jimin! You better stay away from my daughter! This is the first and last time I'm warning you. Don't you dare come near her. Or else you'll have to pay for it. She is happy that you're gone. She'll be marrying someone else and so you don't even have to worry about anything. Everyone here thinks your dead! I don't want another hurdle in our lives. You're not needed here Jimin."


Taehyung's p.o.v.

I couldn't quite believe the story that he narrated. I was shocked. It was hard to digest. It wasn't something I was expecting. I just went up to him and hugged him. He was broken. And alone. And didn't even know the truth. Both of them were suffering. Mentally and physically. And I had no clue how to become the bridge in between and help them both at the same time.

"I lost her Tae. I've lost my everything. I cannot even go back to my house. I'm not needed anymore."

He kept on crying. His small and weak body was shaking.

"Jimin- ah, listen to me."

He did not.

"Please listen, this isn't the truth."

He slowly looked up to me with confusion in his eyes.

"What is the truth then Tae!?"

He was angry. With him and everyone else.

I made him sit one his bed, before I told him anything because I knew, that once he would be aware of Miso's condition he would want to see her. And I couldn't let it happen. Not now.

"She isn't married to anyone."

"Why would his father lie?"

"Will you first listen to me!? She hasn't married anyone. After the accident, she was in a coma for quite a while and she still has amnesia. She doesn't remember most of her memories from her past. Not even you and me. Not even the wedding or the accident. It was all manipulated so that she could recover because everytime your name was mentioned, she would have a stroke. They had shifted to Daegu for her treatment and recovery. But I saw her in a party and mentioned your name like a dumb ass and now she's in a critical condition because of me!"

He was shocked and was just staring at me. No words came out of his mouth. I slowly went in front of him placing my hand on his shoulders.

"She needs you Jimin. She needs you. Just like you need her. She never married anyone. You haven't lost her. But if you sit here and continue with your plan of hiding then you could lose her forever."

I hoped that that he would say something. I was hoping for him to say that he would not hide anymore. I was hoping for him to say that he would come with me to the hospital. But it wasn't that. He said something that took me aback.

"Then I won't see her. If just my name is risky enough to take away her life, I won't meet her. I would rather prefer her to be alive and married to someone else, that to live in this world where she doesn't even exists."

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