Chapter 16: Wait

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Dean scrambled backwards from you immediately, his hands searching behind him for some sort of weapon. You turned your head away from him in shame, knowing that nothing would ever be the same after this. You squeezed your eyes closed as you waited for something to happen, and just like you thought, seconds later Dean pushed you onto your back and held a knife to your throat.

"What the hell are you?!" He screamed, pressing harder into your skin.

"Dean get off of me, please!" You begged. Your arms were pinned down by one of his hands, your body still exhausted after everything you had been through. He yelled at you to open your eyes again, but once you did you were just met with his look of absolute fear and disgust. You screamed angrily at him to get off of you but he just pressed a knife harder to your throat, drawing pricks of blood. All of a sudden Dean was being yanked off of you as Sam gently but quickly pulled you off of the floor and into his chest. You let hot tears flood out of your eyes but you didn't dare give Dean the satisfaction of hearing you cry. Castiel's eyes glowed blue as he restrained Dean and teleported him out of the room, leaving Sam and you shook. 

"Um... I-uh..I need to leave." you said shakily, scrambling to grab your duffle bag and throw what little clothes you still had into it. 

"(Y/n), wait!" Sam said, gently pulling on your arm as you ignored him and kept pushing things deeper into the bag. 

"Sam, you didn't see the way he looked at me, but you saw what he did! He was going to kill me," you growled as you smeared the blood on your throat across your neck, trying to rid your skin of it. "If I don't leave right now, I don't think i'll survive for another week." You were scared. How could you not be? Sam just stayed silent, watching as you finished throwing your bag together. Walking out into the main room, you prayed to Cas, needing him to come back and help you figure out what you were. To your surprise he appeared in front of you. 

"I don't know how to help you, (y/n)." Castiel said earnestly, cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy as you peered up at him with glowing eyes. 

"Just take me somewhere they don't know, Cas. Please... i'm begging you." You croaked, your voice cracking as your arm gripped his tightly. He sighed heavily, glancing at Sam with sorry eyes before he gently grabbed your arm and flew you off, just as Sam opened his mouth to try and persuade you once more.

Your head was spinning as you and Cas finally landed, your boots landing softly on cold marble. As you caught your breath, you looked around at where you where.

The sunlight beamed through the soft curtains and onto the setting that sat before you

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The sunlight beamed through the soft curtains and onto the setting that sat before you. 

"Where are we?" You asked, rubbing your eyes of fallen tears as you collapsed on the pillowy mustard yellow mattress that sat near the large glass windows. 

"Amsterdam. Dean won't be able to find you here, and it's a good place for our training to commence." Castiels gravelly voice sounded besides her as he sat down gently next to her.

"What do you mean, training?" you asked curiously, shifting in your seat as you wrung your hands together. 

"(y/n), you have angel grace and demon blood running through your veins; you possess powers that one human has never possessed at the same time. I want to teach you how to control those since we don't know how long you are going to have them for." He said, taking your hand in his in a friendly manner as you smiled. 

"I guess I should learn what the hell I am and what I can do." You said, lightly chuckling. 

"You are most likely going to experience dizzy spells, fainting, surges of power and-- (y/n)!" He grumbled as you fainted, falling towards the floor instead of backwards. He caught you and laid you back onto the bed as your phone fell out of your pocket. Seeing as you were out for the night, he picked up your phone, watching as tons of messages popped up onto the screen. It was Dean, threatening to find you and kill you. Dissapointed, he sent a surge of electricity through the phone, making it go dead and completely useless. 

"Sleep well, (Y/n). You don't deserve this." he said one last time before closing the door to the bedroom and walking off into the house.


heyyy folks, so this might be the last time we hear from Dean for a couple of chapters! I love the friendship between the reader + cas + sam, so that will be the focus (along with your powers) for a little bit. Hope you're enjoying it!

Until next time,

The Writer. 

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