Chapter 23: Power

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Where were you? Did you go far?

You kept your eyes squeezed shut while you tried to determine where you went just by the sounds around you. There was a low hum, something that just created white noise. That was the only sound you heard.

"(Y/n), where did you run to?" Castiel's voice hummed in your head. He was praying to you. Dean must have went immediately to him after you left.

"I don't know. Haven't looked yet." You prayed back, breathing deeply as you let your body give in to the exhaustion you were so tired of feeling.

"Look up for me. You've been gone for 2 hours, I need to make sure you're safe."

You did as he pleaded and hated where you found yourself. Sometimes, when you were over-emotional or confused and tried to teleport or fly, you ended up in a place you weren't trying to go. In this case, you found yourself in the last place you wanted to be.

You were in the basement's dungeon. The same place you were held hostage, where events happened that angered or upset Dean to the point of no return. A chair sat in the center of a protective sigil circle, with two pairs of broken handcuffs 

"I'm in the basement, but I won't be here for long." You let him know the truth as you bent down closer to inspect the sigil. As your hand neared the white marker shapes, you felt a painful heat singe your fingertips. You reared back in pain, pressing the tips onto your tongue to try and cool them.

"Was that me? Everything I did as Cain... was it me?" You asked the angel, this time out loud.

"It... it wasn't possession."

You smiled sadly as he said those words. Ah, the easy way of letting you down; the things you did were your actions.

"But it wasn't your true intentions. You are a good person." He tried to assure you.

"I don't believe in good." You scowled, using a long blade to scratch and break the sigil. With one deep breath, you stepped inside.

"I've fucked it up, Sammy, I have!" Dean slammed his fist into the wall, clearly distraught over his conversation with (y/n). "I don't know why I can't treat her right!"

The three men stood in the main map room; Sam sitting confused at the table, Dean pacing in front of him, and Castiel lingering in the corner, watching for Deans next move and listening for (y/n)'s.

"Dean, sit down and breath! You aren't going to fix anything when you're punching holes in our wall." Sam reasoned with his brother, running a hand over his face as he tried to figure out exactly what Dean was talking about.

"I just don't understand Sam. What's wrong with me?" He asked with genuine hurt in his reddening green eyes. After years of one night stands, Dean hadn't had a genuine relationship since High School. Every time he lost (y/n), he fell apart. He knew that. Yet somehow he always pushed her away.

"Are you afraid of her, Dean?" His brother asked with a low voice, leaning forward in the metal chair and resting his elbows on the cluttered wooden table.

"Are you kidding me? Why would I be afraid of her—"

"Dean." Sam looked solemnly at him, realizing that maybe he was right.

"I don't want to be afraid of her... she's... she's (y/n)." Dean whined like a kicked puppy, eyes bouncing between his brother and the angel. "Why am I afraid of her?"

"You don't think you can befriend an unknown creation and live to see another day. You've never seen it happen before." Castiel preached, softening his gaze as he realized Dean wasn't trying to be a danger, he was just afraid.

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