Chapter 27: Well... Maybe Not A Deal

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"You are, without a doubt, the worst person I've never met." You growled at none other than the Devil himself. You found yourself in the living room of some random house, a nice suburban place with magazines on the coffee table and picture frames on the mantel.

"I'm flattered." He smirked back at you, throwing the curtains closed to match the rest of the neighborhood houses. "I know your wondering where you are; its Virginia. Or maybe it's not."

"I actually really didn't care." Your tone was snarky and quick, practically biting as they reached the man across from you. You folded your arms across your chest and slumped down into the lounge chair, taking in the room while trying to avoid looking into his eyes. You were exhausted, who wouldn't be? The emotional trauma of watching your friends die took a greater toll on you than Lucifer expected, but he knew it could keep you there in Virginia for a little while.

"Okay, obviously you're mad, I get it." Lucifer sighed, taking a seat on the edge of the coffee table across from you. "How do we compromise?"

"Compromise? You threaten to kill me and my family... and now you want a goddamn compromise?!" You snap, standing up out of the cushiony velvet chair and stepping closer towards me.

"Careful, (y/n), you're stepping out of line." Luci stood and faced you, making his eyes glow their brilliant red, but you didn't back down.

"Bite me." You let your eyes glow purple, matching his enraged gaze. There was a silence filled only with the white noise of static radiating off of both of you; an endless staring match to see who would break first. While you knew exactly what he was capable of, he knew little to none about what powers you have already discovered.

"Fine, woman, you want a deal? I'll bite."

"I'm not making a deal with the Devil."

"Then an off-record promise." He tried, bouncing his shoulders as he tried to get any sort of compromise out of you. You knew he wasn't desperate, but there was some sort of genuineness in his voice. Did you really have anything else better to do while you distracted him from destroying the Winchesters?

"You're not allowed to use your powers on me unless for some wild reason I consent, and you're not allowed to touch the Winchesters or Cas. Do that, and I'll stay and give you as much of a fair shot as I can." You bargained, slumping back down into the chair as he slowly paced before you.

"All I get from you is a shoddy promise of a fair shot? How is that equal?"

"You wanted me here, not the other way around, bud."

"Yeah, but you didn't want me to kill your hunter pals."

"Take it or leave it."

Lucifer stared at you, trying to call your bluff.

"Whatever. It's a d—"

"This is not an official deal, remember? So you don't get to say that." You quickly reminded him. You didn't need him coming back and twisting your words later on, so you kept the terms and conditions a little murky.

"You're a tricky one, (y/n) (l/n)." He chuckled, wagging a finger at you before taking a seat on the table's edge again, letting his eyes wander around the room until they landed back on you. "So, what can you do? Let's see some magic."

"Take all the basics of a mediocre angel and a mediocre demon, mix them with my hunter instincts and skills and bam; you got me." You huffed out, not feeling like expending any more of your energy that day.

"Just— ugh! Here. You don't even have to use a real body, just use this dummy."

He snapped his fingers and all of a sudden, there was a lifelike standing dummy propped up against the couch, made of some skin-colored mix of leather and latex. Kinky.

"And you just happened to own this?"You raised an eyebrow at him.

"The owners of this house did. Freaky people. Anyways, come on, let's go already!"

You groaned for what felt like the 18-hundredth time that hour and demonstrated the same things you demonstrated with Cas. You felt like a patronized child being forced to recite something in front of their dad.

"See?" you said.

"That's it? Seriously? Aw, (y/n), you have so much to learn!" 

"What are you talking about?" You shifted in your seat, leaning forward a tiny bit.

"Okay, stand up."

You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Stand up!" He yelled, leading you to  stand up next to him. "Okay, what usually makes your powers go wild, get stronger?"

"Um... I guess when i'm angry?" You questioned, not seeing where this was going.

"Okay, raise your hand and focus on the dummy. Think of whatever gets you really angry... it might take a while but--"

"Shut up." You growled, lifting your arm and focusing.

What could you possibly focus on?

Your entire life enraged you. You didn't have a normal childhood, you never had true friends. You couldn't have a sweet sixteen, you never went to prom. You never had a real boyfriend, just mindless hookups. You created this perfect idea of your parents after you watched them die, but they were assholes and you hated it. They tried their best, but you hated everything you had become. Now, you were stuck in a loop of small ups and big downs. You were stuck with Lucifer, the devil himself. You had been ripped away from Sam and Cas.. from Dean. You would never have a normal life, you would never be happy, you would never-

The walls were shaking as a pulse radiated from your hands, creating this sonic boom of energy towards the poor human dummy. Your eyes were the brightest they've ever been, and you could see the rings of energy flowing from your hands. 

The dummy flew through across the room and broke into pieces as it hit the wall. Lucifer laughed as he his hands over his head, relishing in the heat of your power.

"It really is true.." You panted, eyes bouncing between your hands and the broken doll.

"I might lie a lot, but not to you. I will show you how much power you truly have, and when you realize how we can travel the galaxies together, you wont care about a couple of Winchesters or humans... you'll take my side and we can do anything."

You fought back tears. If he was right about your powers, could he be right about the rest? Would humanity really fall away from your mind as you because fully powerful?

"You know i'm right." He whispered. "You have to trust me."

Your head flung up to meet his gaze, flaring your nostrils as you felt that familiar rage bubbling up inside of you as he spoke those words. You took a step backwards.

"I... will never.. trust you."

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