Chapter 1: My Best Friend

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"Why?!" I shout and sink to the floor in my bedroom. Why doesn't Brother Ivan love me? I love him. It's probably because I'm ugly. Yes that's it. I am ugly and Big Brother loves another. That Romanian girl Stella. I could see why he loves her. She is pretty, smart, has large breasts, kicks ass, has money (She has more money and power than Ivan!), and she's really nice. She has everything a girl could ever want. And I'm none of that. But I can't hate her. She's too kind and Brother would hate me even more. It's not fair!! Sometimes I feel as if the world just hates me. I've never done anything wrong. I'm no saint but I don't deserve to have everyone hate me. Before I can start crying I hear my doorbell ring. I'm currently staying in the U.S. for reasons.

I get up and walk to my door and open it.

   " 'Sup Natalia?!" My best friend Alfred F. Jones shouts.

   "No need to yell. And hi Alfred." I say, fixing the white bow that lay on my head.

   "You ready to go?" Alfred asks, grinning like the idiot he is.


   "Remember? You said you'd come to my place to hang. That's like, the reason you're in my country." Alfred explains. I did agree to spend time with him. But that was before I was in a bad mood...

   "Yeah. Let me just put on my shoes." I say.

   "I'll be in the car." Alfred says. I nod and close the door. I turn around and groan, my back against the door. As nice as Alfred can be he's loud and obnoxious..But he's my only friend I truly care about. Not even Lithuania/Toris wants to be around me anymore. I don't want to take all my stress out on Al, though.

   I slip into my flats, grab my keys and walk out the door. I hop into Alfred's blue BMW.

   "You ready?" He asks. I smile lightly.

   "Ready". Honestly, Al is the only person who ever brings a smile out of me. Even if it's a small smile.

   I look at Alfred and see that smile. I know he has some kind of attraction, video game with very realistic pictures that Japan/Kiku made, or a sick horror movie to show me.

   "What's in store, Al?" I ask.

   "You'll see. So Nat, how ya been?" Alfred asks. My smile vanishes.

   "Okay." I mumble.

   "Okay? Girl, what's wrong?" Alfred asks, his smile gone as well.

   "It's just...My brother. I feel as if no matter how hard I try he just keeps hating me. I don't even try to get him to marry me anymore. I only want to show him I love him. But he only has eyes for your sister Stella...Why wouldn't he though?" I explain, pushing my tears back before they show in my eyes.

   "Wow. That's sad. I'm sorry dudette I never even knew." Alfred says.

   "It's not your fault." I sigh. Alfred looks at me and then back at the road.

   "Hey, Natalia, wanna know somethin'?" Alfred asks.


   "I didn't exactly trust Ivan with Stella. I didn't know what he'd do to her. I still don't trust him that much. But I'm just lookin' out for my sis. Even if I'm younger. It's what all brothers do. They look out for their sisters no matter what. And I'm certain Ivan does the same for you, especially since he's older. And I'm sure he loves you. But you might approach him the wrong way and it scares him. Trust me, the moment someone tries to harm you he'll kill them."

   "That's the smartest thing you've ever said. Thanks Al, I never looked at my situation that way."

   "Um..Thanks? Anyway you wanna grab a bite to eat? I'm starving!" Alfred exclaims.

   "Not surprising. But I haven't eaten since this morning. I could totally eat right now." I say. I think my apetite gets bigger and bigger with Alfred around.

   "That's what's up! So where you wanna eat? Think outside the box. Have it your way!" I laugh lightly.

   "Looks like someone is hinting at something they want. Hmmm...How about McDonalds?" I suggest. I've learned to get used to the food he eats.

   "I'm lovin' it! And I'm loving the fact that I got a laugh out of you." Alfred smiles and pokes my side and I laugh a bit louder.

   "Hey!" I shout. Alfred laughs loudly and drives into the nearest McDonald's drivethrough.

   "What do you want? And NO salads! Eating a salad at McDonalads is like giving a whore a hug." Al look at me. I laugh and roll my eyes.

   "Okay okay. I'll just get a Big Mac and a strawberry milkshake." I reply.

   "No fries?" Alfred asks.

   "I'll eat some of yours."

   "You are getting better at ordering fast food."

   "I learn from the best." We high-five.

   "Hi, welcome to McDonald's, can I take your order?" A lady asks over the radio intercom talking thing.

   "Yeah hi. Let me get seven Big Macs, large fries, a strawberry milkshake, hot fudge sunday, and a diet pepsi." Alfred says.

   "Is that all, sir? The lady asks, sounding a bit surprised at all the burgers Alfred ordered.


   "Your total will be $20.37 get your food at the second window." Alfred drives away and to the second window. I realize I don't have any money on me. Before I can say something Alfred does.

   "Don't worry. It's my treat." Alfred looks at me and smiles. Wow. Alfred sure is handsome. Better looking than Big Brother almost. Those baby blue eyes, that dirty blonde hair, that kind smile, his laugh, his glasses (Even though he looks way better with them off). I could just-No! Natalia what are you thinking?! I don't love Alfred. He is just a friend. I love Ivan. Just a friend. Just a friend.

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