Chapter 14: Forgiveness

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Several weeks have passed since I came back. My trust in Alfred is starting to return but he has to sleep in one of the guest rooms. The skank hasn't shown up either, thankfully.

Today, Alfred decided to take me to the mall. He seems to be a lot happier than he had been a while ago. And I do too.

"Hey, you look nice today."'Alfred compliments me as we eat in the food court. I'm only in a tank top and jeans.

"Thanks." I smile a little. "...Do you think she'll come back?" I ask. I don't want to talk about it but I can't help myself. Alfred looks down at his burger.

"..I hope not." Is his reply. We eat in silence for some time. "Hey, Nat?" Alfred looks up at me.


"Let's play 'Why.'" Alfred answers.

"What is that?"

"It's where you say something and the other person says 'why.' And you have to keep going...'Til you give up. You go."

"Okay..." I think for a moment. "I thinks ketchup is better than mustard." I say.

"Why?" Alfred asks. 'This seems easy.'

"Because ketchup tastes better." I reply.


"Because its taste isn't as strong as mustard."


"Because they are not the same thing."


"Because...For them to be the same, they would have to be made the same way."


"So they can be the same."


"So they aren't different."

"Why?" Alfred laughs a little.

"Okay, you win."

"Why?" Alfred continues to laugh. I roll my eyes playfully.

"Because I lost."


"Because you're better at this than me."


"Because you've probably played this before."


"Because you thought it was fun?"


"Because you like having fun?"




"Alfred!" I exclaim, laughing a little.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." Alfred says. "By the way, I don't think there's a winner."

"Whatever." I say, actually happy for the first time in what seems like a while.

"Alfie! I haven't seen you in forever! I knew I'd find you." Spoke too soon. I look up and see the whore. Right as things were starting to go good, she shows up.

"Can you please leave?" Alfred sighs.

"Aww, why? I thought you liked me." She says.

"No...I don't."

"You're still with her, I see." The whore crosses her arms.

"I'm his wife." I say, gritting my teeth.

"How could a hottie like Alfie ever want to marry a fugly, flat chested, skank like you?" The whore laughs a snarky little laugh.

"Okay, that's it." Alfred stands up. "You - I don't even know your name- need to leave. I made a huge mistake sleeping with you. I don't love you, or any other woman. I love this one right here." Alfred points to me. "And you can bother me as much as you want but when you start messing with my wife we're going to have some big problems. And how could you ever say she's ugly? Look at her! She is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on and you're crazy if you think she isn't. Now, I'm trying to be nice to you because I don't hit women so please leave me and my wife alone or I'll call the police." Alfred says. The whore looks slightly scared. I have never seen Alfred look so angry. The girl leaves immideatly and Alfred sits back down, sighing.

"I'm sorry about her. I'll just get a restraining order if she shows up again." Alfred says. I place my hand over his.

"It's alright. And thank you...For standing up for me like that. I really did not want to get arrested for what I was going to do to her." Alfred laughs and laces his fingers with mine.

"Of course I'd stand up for you. You're my girl." He pauses for a moment. "So...Do you forgive me completely now?" Alfred asks.

"...I forgive you."

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