Chapter 16: Boy or Girl?

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I am currently five months pregnant. It is nothing like I thought. I guess I'm more moody, I swear I am happy one second and then someone says something and I will get emotional. I'm getting fat too. All I ever do is eat. Burgers, hot dogs, fries, ice cream, chocolate. Basically Alfred's appetite. I have a strong feeling this child will be a lot like Alfred. The baby's kicks are also getting stronger and whenever I'm trying to sleep it seems like the baby will be awake. The nausea is also there.

And Alfred has to be there through all of it. I almost feel bad for him.

Alfred and I are currently at the hospital, waiting to find out what gender the baby is. Alfred really wants a boy. I'm happy either way.

I'm laying on the hospital bed. Alfred is leaning over on the bed railing.

"I'm nervous." I say.

"Yeah, me too..Watch it be a boy." Alfred replies. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, whatever."

"It better be a boy. Me and Gilbert made a bet and if it's a girl I have to pay him 50 bucks." Alfred tells me. I look at him.

"Really? You made a bet on what gender our baby will be?" I ask. I'm not really surprised.

"Yeah, so?" He says. The doctor walks in before I can answer. She is skinny and appears young with short brown hair and green eyes behind thin framed glasses.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jones?" She asks with a soft voice.

"That's us." Alfred says.

"Well, I'm Doctor Alliston, but you can call me Alyssa." She walks over to me. "You've been to checkups before I assume." I nod. "Okay, good." Alyssa says and pulls up her stool under her computer to sit by the bed. She then takes out her stethoscope, lifts my shirt halfway, and presses it against my stomach in different places. After a while, Alyssa pulls back and starts typing on her computer.

"Well the baby has a steady, strong heartbeat so that's good. And from your previous visits the baby has been kicking right?" She asks.

"Yes. And they've started moving around." I say. She smiles and brings over some of that blue goo stuff that is used to see the baby.

"Even better." She starts to apply the stuff on my stomach but Alfred stops her.

"Hey, Alyssa? What is that, if you don't mind me asking." Alfred says.

"This? Oh, it's just used to see the baby. It won't hurt your wife, it'll only be a little cold." Alyssa says and gently rubs the goo on my stomach. I look at Alfred and grab his hand. He kisses mine lightly.

"This is your first child?" Alyssa asks as she goes over to her computer after she's done applying the goo.

"Yeah. We're really excited." Alfred answers. Alyssa chuckles.

"I'm sure you'll both make great great parents." Alyssa says and turns the computer screen towards us.

"Thanks." I reply.

"You two ready?" Alyssa asks. I nod. "Okay." Alyssa types a few more things and then I see the most beautiful sight ever.

There, on that screen, is my baby, moving around peacefully.

"Oh, congratulations! You're having a boy!" Alyssa exclaims.

"YES! IT'S A BOY! Take that Gilbert!" Alfred shouts.

"Alfred, hush! We're not at home." I scold but don't stop smiling nonetheless. I reach over and touch the screen.

"He made a bet?" Alyssa asks.

"Yeah, and got what he wanted. I'm happy with a girl or boy." I tell her.

Alfred calms down and walks back over, grabbing my hand. I squeeze his gently.

"Well, here's his head, and there are his feet, his little arms and hands...Oh, and there's his little boy parts." Alyssa says, pointing to where those body parts are. I laugh a little. "I'll print some pictures. Any questions?" Alyssa asks.

"Yeah. First, when is my next checkup?" I ask.

"Well, I can schedule one for May 16th, if that's okay." Alyssa suggests.

"Yes, that works." I say.

"What part of the baby comes out first?" Alfred asks.

"The baby comes out head first."

"Oh." Alfred says. "Also, why do pregnant women always throw up?" He asks. Alyssa laughs.

"Almost every man asks that. Well, Mr. Jones vomiting during pregnancy can happen for a few reasons. First off, nausea usually starts around four to six week of pregnancy, and tends to get worse after that. Women can feel relief by around 14 weeks. For some, it takes another month or so. Now what causes queasiness no one really knows but there are some reasonable answers. Human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG." Alfred holds a dumbfounded look and Alyssa smiles. "It's a hormone that rises quickly during pregnancy and peaks around the same time that nausea does." Alyssa explains.

"Oh." Says Alfred.

"There's also estrogen, another hormone during early pregnancy. Enhanced sense of smell and sensitivity to odors, sensitive stomach, and stress could all lead to vomiting during pregnancy." Alyssa continues.

"Oh, I see. That clears up a lot of things." Alfred says. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. So...May 16th at 1:45 PM?" Alyssa asks.

"Yes." I say as she cleans off my stomach and I stand up, pulling my shirt down and grabbing my purse. Alyssa walks over and hands me the pictures of my son.

"Thank you." I say. Alyssa smiles.

"No problem. Congrats again, Mr. and Mrs. Jones." Alyssa says.

"Thanks." Alfred says as he holds the door open for me. I wave to Alyssa before exiting the room, Alfred walking beside me.

"I like her." I say as we step in the elevator.

"Yeah, she was cool. I knew it would be a boy!" Alfred shouts. I laugh.

"Yeah, yeah. You got what you wanted." I say.

"You didn't believe me, huh?" Alfred says.

"No, I just didn't mind a boy or girl. But I do have a feeling I'm going to be taking care of two Alfreds now, not just one." I say.

"We'll just have to wait and see."

"Yes we will."

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