Chapter 6: World Conference

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   Honestly, I don't know why I attend World Conferences. I'm not part of any really important groups except the Soviet Union which doesn't even exist anymore. I'm not very important or popular, I can't benefit any country, and I've been slowly but surely losing my money.

   But here I am, walking into the conference room hand-in-hand with Alfred. Once I step in, Stella and Lia are immediately by my side.

   "Natalia! Why didn't you tell me you were dating someone?! My brother to be exact." Stella shouts and flashes a beautiful smile that no one can match. Lia is also one of the prettier women.

   "Yeah, you've got a lot of explaining to do, missy." Lia says. The two girls pull me away from Alfred. I look back at him. He smiles charmingly and walks over to Lia's lover, Arthur.

   "So, how long have you to been together?" Lia asks as we sit down.

   "Do we have time to talk? Shouldn't the meeting be starting soon?" I ask.

   "Not everyone is here so we have time. You can't escape us, Nat. You are going to talk, no matter what." Stella says. I see a small look in her eyes that tells me to give her what she wants. No one can ever deny her.

   "Fine. We have been together for three months." I say.

   "Awww! You two look so cute together!" Stella exclaims, the previous glint in her eyes showing no sign of having ever existed. I blush.

   "Sh-Shut up! He could hear us you know.

   "Yeah, so? Is he treating you right?" Lia asks and puts her chin in the palm of her hand.

   "Yes. He is really gentleman-like, you know. It was surprising at first." I say. "He is also teaching me how to get better at video games and I'm learning alot about the U.S. and American history. Apparantley, not all Americans are fat, lazy, and eat nothing but fast food.

   "Well, obviously. You're really clueless at times." Lia tells me jokingly.

   "Well she doesn't travel the world as much as we do so she wouldn't know as much about people outside her country. Except for the stereotypes she has heard." Stela says.

   "How did you know?" I ask her.

   "I kind of used to be the same way. Everyone was out discovering new lands and creating new ways to make life more productive. Arthur had me stuck inside doing what he said women are 'supposed to do.' Which is just cooking and cleaning. I wish he understood that I was not like other girls at that time. I didn't want to raise a family and be a slave in the house. I wanted to go out and find new things, meet people, learn about other countries, sail the seas, anything! But I never had the chance, I just wasn't strong enough."

   "Leave it to Stella to break into a speech." Lia says and laughs.

   "Well, I say speeches all the time so..."

   "I get it. And that is kind of how I felt, Stella. Before Alfred." I say.

   "But Arthur means well and he really does love you. You should hear the things he says about you. It almost makes me jealous. Almost. But let's get back to Alfred and Natalia." Lia says.

   "Yeah. So what else has been going on?" Stella asks.

   "Not too much. He buys me lots of stuff and I feel a little bad. I mean, he doesn't have to buy me things to show me he loves me." I say.

   "Arthur does the same thing! And it makes me feel kinda guilty." Lia states.

   "Yeah, Ivan does that too." Stella adds on. "Anything else?"

   "Well, Alfie took me to a lot of different places."

   "Like?" Lia asks.

   "Um...Yellowstone, Disneyworld, Disneyland, Washington D.C., The Statue of Liberty, Niagra Falls..." I give some examples.

   "Lucky! I want to go to Niagra Falls. I've seen pictures. It looks beautiful." Lia says.

   "It is. It's also romantic. Alfred actually-"

   "Alright, countries! Settle down! This meeting will now start!" Exclaims the bossy Ludwig. He annoys me.

   "We'll talk later." Stella says and pats my shoulder, her and Lia walk over to their assigned seats.

   Well, here we go.


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