Chapter 8: Hawaii Dreams

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Alfred has decided to take me to Hawaii for a vacation. He knows just how much I love it. Growing up in snow, I now find tropical places to my liking. They're just so warm and beautiful.

It is our second to last day here and we have filled up our bucket list. The only thing left is to walk on the beach at sunset.

I just took a shower and changed into a blue tank top, white sarong wrap, and white sandals. I'm sitting on our bed watching TV.

Alfred comes out of the bathroom in cargo shorts and a white, unbuttoned shirt.

"You ready to go?" He asks, slipping into his shoes.

"You should have come out in just a towel." I say, a smirk playing on my lips. "And yes, I am ready." I stand up and walk out of the hotel room with him.

"You are too much sometimes, Natalia." Alfred kisses my head and wraps an arm around my waist.

"I know." I say.

When we are on the beach the sun is setting on the horizon. The sky is mixed with yellow and gold colors with pink clouds. The ocean has an orange glow in the distance. Alfred and I walk together, small waves hitting my feet.

"I love you." Alfred says.

"I love you too." I respond.

We continue walking and playing around until Alfred kisses me. Very passionately.

"Alfred wha-" He puts a finger to my lips and then grabs my hands.

"Natalia, I love you. I always have. Ever since I first saw you and I will love you forever. You are by far the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Even if you don't believe me. You know that behind this happy personality, I'm pretty messed up. Yet you still choose to except me. And you're known for being intolerant which pisses me off because you put up with me every day. And I love that. I love everything about you. Your eyes, lips, hair, your mind, your heart. I love it all. Natalia, I hate seeing you suffer and I would rather die than see you in any form of pain. Just know I am always going to be here for you. I promise. I owe it to you. Natalia...You gave me a chance when you loved someone else who happened to love another...So Natalia Arlovskaya.." Alfred gets down on one knee, pulling out a red box. I start tearing up. "...Will you marry me, and let me be your hero forever?" Alfred opens the box to reveal a square cut ring, with lots of detail on the band, and a dark blue gem that matches my eyes which are now completely filled with tears.

"Yes. Yes! Alfred of course I will marry you!" I cry out. Alfred stands and slips the beautiful ring on my finger. Through teary eyes, I admire it.

"Alfie.." I whisper. "I love it." Alfred wipes my tears away. I look up at him.

"Natalia, I love you so much.

"I love you, Alfred." I say and look back at the ring. "It matches my eyes."

"No. This ring is no where near as beautiful as your eyes." Alfred wipes a stray tear from my cheek as I look at him again. I hug him.

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